Vis Major

Today I was supposed to submit a report and our lecturer had clearly told us to be in college at 12:30. For a change I decided to be there 15 minutes early, I was happily walking down the corridor when I looked across and saw him already in the hall with students already present. I looked at my watch just to make sure it hadn’t stopped or that I had read the time wrong and it was actually 1:15. I looked and it still said 12:17 but who cares about the time I started running and all of a sudden felt an inch shorter in one leg. I broke a heel! I looked around saw no one thak! Broke the other heel shoved both into the bin and surprise surprise the lecturer was taking a class for the LL.M students. – I call this bad luck :(

I went around feeling bad about the heels but then the legal aid camp was announced. In my batch I have PBFEBTKOLS as the accompanying advocate, and all my nice friends K,P n A. oh what joy if what happened earlier was bad luck, this is DISASTER!!!!! [Tsunami level disaster :(]

So here are a couple of the many things I have learnt in college:
a. NEVER date your own classmate, if things go wrong you’ll still be stuck in the same class.
b. NEVER ever ever challenge an advocate in a verbal battle in the classroom.

Is this my Karma?


Unknown said…
donno whether to to laugh or show pity on u.. all the best.. enjoy..
Ankush said…
For the first:
Or you can date someother guy in the same class... :D though i am not sure whether there are any remaining
And as for the second one:
GOD save you!
Nah... i was never the "Make your ex jealous" type. I believe in live and let live. Can't date lawyers (or potential lawyers)not my thing.
Ankush said…
the terms "whether there are any remaining" to be construed very strictly :)
the terms "remaining" is qualitative and not quantitative :)
mumofason said…
The heel breaking is like straight out of an advertisement.. don't remember which one though. :)

I agree with a) :D

And no its not your karma.

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