
Showing posts from September, 2014

Gender "Fender Bender" Blunder

When I first saw this Airtel Ad I thought, “Sheesh how pakao can an ad get!” Then after all the Monday flurry I had enough idle time, hence my mind just wandered on back to this ad, even though I was trying to will my mind against it. There are days when I really need to put a leash on my thoughts. Especially when they have the tendency to wander off on such puerile subject matters. Here is how I wish the ad had been thought out: Take 1:  Woman boss tells her employee (Husband) that the deadline needs to be met in a rush and that means working overtime. Boss (Wife) instead of going home stays back with team, brain storms ideas using Airtel 3G services, orders take out and everybody has a good time. Plus it means spending more time with your spouse. [Same plot if there was a role reversal i.e Husband was the boss and Wife the employee.] Take 2:   Man boss orders team to meet deadline, heads home, cooks dinner for employee wife. He does so, by using Airtel