
Showing posts from May, 2010

Who am I?

Once upon a time people were a primary need. A very basic necessity in my life. I couldn’t do without certain people. They were all too important and an integral part of my life and indispensable. Then I grew up. Realized that nobody is indispensable. Probably the harshest lesson I have learnt. Way back in school people used to mind their own business. Friends were being friends – Honest, frank and very in your face. Friends never resorted to irritate or annoy people for fun. We played pranks but we were never repetitive. Everything done was laced with humor leaving no doubt to the other person to consider any intentions which may prove otherwise. Laughter, smiles, the general teenage angst and being oneself was the mantra. I probably got too used to doing things my way at my pace and the way I thought it would work best. By the time I got to college I was self reliant and did not really feel the need to have to approach anyone for any definite gyan on college, life and people. Withi


Charlie Dalton a.k.a Nuwanda. Carpe Diem. Among the characters from the Dead Poets Society I like Charlie Dalton the best. The clown, the maverick. “I am exercising my right not to walk.” “ Welton Academy . Hello? Yes, he is. Just a moment. Mr. Nolan, it's for you. It's God. He says we should have girls at Welton.” - CD The scene in which he punches Richards for ratting. I cannot say I like Neil or Todd who are the definite favorites in the movie. Neil [the strongest] committing suicide and Todd [the weakest] taking initiative for the very first time when Keating is fired stands up on the bench and says, “O Captain, My Captain”. But I sigh every time knowing that Dalton has been expelled and the empty seat stands out. My friend with whom I have discussed this movie asked my how I never for a second spare a thought for Neil. Well, that is super simple – Neil is dead, but CD is alive and still has a life ahead