
Showing posts from April, 2021


  I started blogging because I enjoy writing. I started writing because I had to vent. Somewhere along the way I started enjoying the process of writing without a set goal. The idea of just letting a meandering thought form into a blog post came naturally. This little hobby got me to express myself. Then I graduated college, started working, had too many fleeting thoughts that I couldn’t even filter to pick one aside and write about it. On days when clarity allowed, I was able to write even though it wasn’t often. Then in the zeal to get a friend to pull herself out of a rut I talked myself into blogging with her. It began the way any good thing does. Things were going smoothly. We were churning out posts and we were building a readership. We started putting up our blog updates as statuses, we’d send our friends the link to our latest post, we were relentless in our pursuit to expand our readership. Like any pursuit to succeed a plan and strategy needs to be set in place to achieve o