Glass Menagerie

Glass Menagerie is a novella my friend and I wrote when we were kids. The central theme of the book was that each one of us is gifted with certain characteristics which match with an animal. In our book people weren’t referred by their names instead they were referred by the animal they represented.

My friend was the eagle and I the Lion Cub. In it we have charted out everything we did in school all the incidents with such detail, that school ceases to be just a memory. I haven’t laughed as much as I did today for a long time. [ The childish scrawl, the efforts to make sure each “i” was dotted and each “t” was rightly crossed, there are pages where the eraser has done more work than the pencil.]

My friend and I had a very long discussion as to what we should name the book.
1. The Homo sapiens zoo.
2. Could Darwin be wrong?
3. The glass zoo.
4. The Glass Menagerie.
In justification of the above titles, my parents had presented me a book called “Science can be fun” and it made its effect show on our titles. But we finally settled on GM.

The contents were “scandalous” and hence we had to keep the idea a top-secret, till such time as we felt that it was alright to get our handiwork published.

I found this while clearing up the “junk” from boxes which I was supposed to dispose off long back. I also found a letter addressed to my brother and I by our great grand mother thanking us for a hand made card we sent her for her birthday. Clearing up things is a very interesting job indeed.


Anonymous said…
I laughed out loud reading this post. It's like a chapter from my own childhood; writing "scandalous" things with my brother and best friend. We had one called "Liquid Night," a novella about two friends who discover a civilization of "squamous" creatures underneath their futuristic high school. Amazingly, I still have the file and it's always good for a laugh.
Ah the things that a fertile imagination can conjure up :D
mumofason said…
lol.. good ol' memories!

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