Observing and being observed.

I have never let people influence my opinion on things and others because what I think or have to say about any one or anything has to be on the basis of my own personal experience not because someone said so. But if I had to advise anyone joining college I’d suggest they take a year off travel meet people or intern at places get to know people explore their skills and then finally decide what they want out of the course they opt for and on that basis continue. It not only helps one keep a level head but also makes people set their priorities straight and enhances inter personal skills too.

Most of my learning process is all thanks to interning at NGO’s and firms. Understanding the way people work and I have had first hand experience at petty office politics, but that didn’t surprise me much because that exists even in college. Diplomacy is something I never thought I would be getting good at but apparently it’s a mandatory skill if one wants to maintain harmony in the environment they are thrown into.

The reason why I wanted to do law was mainly because I like observing people. What better profession where one not only gets to study body language but also psychology. The way people react in situations is an interesting experiment. There have been times when I have made notes of my own reaction to certain situations. It is always interesting to go back and check on several people and their reaction to the same situation. Even just observing a person and not talking to them is entertaining. Just watching a person and deducing what they do for a living, and some basic characteristic that they posses and forming a small story with all the details accumulated is something that I enjoy doing. I especially do this while traveling on a bus or a train or even in college when I find someone who looks interesting enough to be observed.

Life in school always seemed so full but college was a whole different ball game. It has probably killed some of the niceness that I might have possessed prior to joining college. When my friend read my blog she said, “You never complained about people before, you always thought it was necessary to interact with all sorts of people sinner and saints and mortals. You now seem to have a new qualification of being a whiner!” I admit I have complained, cribbed and whined in my blog about people but that is solely because I have never been in an environment where 90% of people behave alike. Everybody seems to be programmed to do the same thing react the same way which is not just unusual but according to me unnatural too. A special mention of me whining is because I have never had to come across so many mean people all at once. Sometimes I’ve felt like a lamb amidst a pack of wolves. Dealing with wolves is ok I can do that, but not on a daily basis. It reaches a point where I physically want to harm them or just let out one really loud piercing scream to get the frustration out. Since I can’t do either in college I whine/blog :(

5 years is too long a time to be in the same place with same people. And this is my last and final blog on college and henceforth I will abstain from anything that relates to college/lecturers/classmates/JSSLC


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