LaZy SuNdAy

OK so I am one bored person on this planet right now. I slept away most of my boredom but that doesn’t really help so I am back at tapping the key board. I did post a blog this afternoon and then deleted it. Then I decided to export my other two blogs and import them to this blog. Now on I’ll have just one blog. After that I slept. Woke up.

I have a terrible cold and my voice sounds super. No actually it sounds like the voice of a teenage boy who's experiencing the whole voice cracking bit.

I decided to watch TV but there is nothing to watch on it. Why are there so many reality shows? Who watches them? Don’t people making these shows know that people have a life? Why would anyone want to waste their time watching random arbit people living their lives in front of a camera? ONCE upon a time MTV used to play music now there is just a little scattering of music and the rest is reality TV.

The last time I sat for over 5 hours in front of the box was during the Nadal and Verdasco match during the Australian open. That match was awesome. Nadal’s playing Soderling now. Got to see how that’ll go.


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