
I was just wondering as to which is my all time favorite movie scene and there are so many to pick and choose from – Like Lord of the rings – The two towers in which Legolas (Orlando Bloom) does the whole 360 degree flip over the horse, or the ending of Return of the Jedi when Darth Vader’s Face is revealed, The ending of hide and seek when the camera zooms in on the drawing but some how all these pale into nothingness when compared to the scene from American History X –
The part where Derek (E. Norton) steps out of the house and pumps bullets into the man standing on watch while his accomplice breaks Derek’s truck window, he walks forward and aims at the guy near the truck who collapses and continues to aim at the third guy in the car and starts walking after the car shooting bullets till he runs out of them returns near the second man pulls him to the road and makes him put his mouth to the curb and then stomps his head. Danny (E. Furlong) drops to his knees the police arrive and when the officer asks Derek to turn around and put his hands to his head and get down on his knees he looks at his brother grins and lifts his eyebrows.
This scene has the most chilling effect ever. Some scenes can be replayed again and again in the mind and retain the same effect they had the first time. It never ever fails to make me flinch when his foot hits the man’s head and the expression on his face especially the eyes. E. Norton is an amazing actor.


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