Life, Life skills and just being Alive!

I like the Evidence lectures because our lecturer invariably deviates from the topic and starts discussing about people and the general trends he notices among students these days. One such observation was “multi tasking” . Doing many things at once and not really enjoying any task exclusively and doing them mechanically. According to him man has evolved from being an animal to become a dual being which is part animal and part machine. The animal being recessive and machine being dominant. We tend to set ourselves a pattern and follow that without changing, which pretty much makes us devoid of any spark which people once referred to as enthusiasm. The machine in us has so progressively taken over that even emoting is a thing of past. [Do you smile when you put a smiley after a sentence? If so yay! You are not that rusty. If you don’t then the machine needs oiling] It’s just expressing without feeling.

The education system in India is one of the best in the world and the one thing I have learnt being a part of this system is that I can take up on a truck load of subjects and study them all within a given period and manage to retain the same without much difficulty. [Provided that I like the subjects.] One studies innumerable subjects from school to college. Nowhere do we learn or are taught to express ourselves in a particular manner in a given situation. I.e. there is no one way for everybody to react to a given situation. That’s when individuality is highlighted. Some merely choose not to react, some react, over react or become hyper. These reactions have consequences. That is life- a series of chain reactions to our expressions. Life skills- I am so thankful to my college for this one bit of education which is not in any syllabus in any course in any college. Here I have met people of all kinds, interacted with them and seen me stretch to extremities which I thought never existed.

We can only be told what to do in a given situation but beyond that we go solo armed with life skills.

This progressive trend in us humans is the exact reverse of what Andrew Martin went through. It's time we re-evolved as humans.


mumofason said…
ha so true.. all well oiled machines we've become. :)

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