Fenny Chronicles – Bundle of Joy

Yesterday Fenny went for her check up. The doctor gave her a clean chit and she is completely out of danger and has completely recovered from jaundice. I still intend to keep her on a strict diet because I don’t want to take any chances. It’s nice to see Fenny kid waddle around the house instead of looking sad and in pain.

The joy of taking her out for long walks or playing fetch or even just running inside the house pretending to be chased by invisible dogs is simply priceless. To kiss her and hug her so tight that she nips at me or simply pulling her tail which puts her in a tizzy because she remembers her puppy hood game of chasing her tail. She makes a pretty picture playing by herself but she always welcomes company and loves being pampered and spoilt. I have no difficulty spoiling her :)

The onset of summer means welcoming home plenty of mangos and jack fruit. When I was a kid looking at these fruits used to bring me such happiness and contentment. The smell the taste, licking the juice dripping from your fingers the after taste and longing for more once the fruit has vanished into what my mother refers to as a “bottomless pit”.

My mother noticed the same expression on Fenny’s face when we get jack fruit home. The moment Fenny gets a whiff of the fruit she follows the person carrying it as if in a hypnotic daze and looks at it longingly dripping drool (probably imaging herself attacking it and eating it all without sharing). She’ll wait till someone cuts the fruit and starts sorting the fruit from the gummy covers protecting it. The moment she sees the fruit she’ll lunge forward ready to grab it from the hands holding it. In her hurry to eat she forgets to chew, but then again I have never seen a dog patiently chew on it's food. Once all traces of the existence of the fruit are wiped out Fenny finds herself a nice spot to snooze and I can bet that she dreams of eating more fruits. My next post will be called “interpreting Doggy dreams” :)


mumofason said…
Cha wish i were there to see this jackfruit eating :)

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