"The Anguish"

Unlike Edvard Munch I wasn’t experiencing a moment of fear and pain of not being able to love again. My anguish has its roots in not being able to take my time in my hands and do as I please with it. This sketch was done in a moment of inspiration in the D.P.C class when the lecturer just went on and on and on about deeds and the various aspects that one has to concentrate while drafting a deed. Found myself holding on to my dear head barely able to stop from screaming and my neighbor said I look as pained as the face in the movie “Scream”. After entertaining my bench mates by contorting my face to express as much pain and sorrow as possible I decided to put my “anguish” on paper.And
THIS was conceived
--------->"The Anguish"

I call my sketch “The Anguish” took me 5 minutes to complete my master piece. In the


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