Mumbai - The drama queen

I voted yesterday. My first time voting experience at the Lok Sabha elections. After voting I had to get home and switch on the news channels to check how the third phase was faring in Mumbai. After all the uproar post 26.11.2008, I had expected Mumbai to have the largest turn out but ha! was I wrong! Only 50% turn out from the city that screeched and pelted expletives at all political parties. Mumbaikars were the ones screeching BLOOD! After the Taj fiasco, people came on the streets saying that the government is this the Government is that. The youth went out in the scorching heat to form human chains to display solidarity-“oneness”. [All of this happened in November -December] We are now in May. 1, 09. I’d say the anger has fizzled out, people couldn’t careless till another blast happens.

The media started debating about why? There was such a low turn out. The youth and people stated that it was just too hot to step outside their house to go and vote. Ah…ok I get it. It’s too hot outside to vote. [No cameras in your face.] But not too hot to form human chain in front of The Taj Hotel. [The media covered it to show the world the angst of the Indian youth – Fighting terror together, the youngsters are the watchdogs of the Government yada yada yada…]

We like drama. But that’s not the kind of acting our country needs during elections. It is the one time when everybody can contribute to something. If you don’t vote you waive your right to dish out dirt at the government because you played no role in getting them to where they are so people will just have to zip it and take what they get. Overall third phase has been a disappointment. May 16th is the verdict. I am just hoping the ones who voted, hopefully voted for the party that I voted for. In case finally of the two prominent parties neither wins and Mayawati does, my family and I are moving to Australia.


Sojourn... said…
Bingo... liked the last sentence. :)
God forbid, if Mayawathi becomes the next PM, it would become one of the most lamentable days in the history of Indian Politics and I'm not sure abt the future of politics coz I wonder if there would be any!!
Sojourn... said…
Bingo... Liked the last sentence! :)
God forbid, if that happens, first of all, it'll be one of the most lamentable days in the history of Indian Politics and secondly, there'll nothing to talk abt the future!!

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