Traditions & Teachers

There are plenty of traditions in our college – The toppers have their names etched for ever on the roll of honor that decorate the walls at the entrance. Students who come for admissions look at it in awe and you know each one is wishing that they see their name there soon. Certain subjects have cash prizes for the highest scorer. The criminal procedural law lecturers host lunch for the toppers in criminal law and the best of all is the “Judges get together”. Our college hosts a dinner for the judges of the district and all lecturers are invited and the top scoring boys are invited. This is one of those events where a student can make conversation with people well settled in the judiciary and connect and get ample info and gyan. This is one of those things that makes me wish I were a boy. No girl has ever been invited for this dinner event.

Socializing with advocates for girls is only limited to lunch. [Read day light, no alcohol, sober people, everybody knows how to behave.] I along with 7 others went for the lunch yesterday which turned out to be more fun than I had expected. Mr.P my criminal law lecturer ranks among my favorite teachers –that explains why I understand procedural law so well. While talking the topic on Army popped up this was because we were talking about Kasab. [Q. Kasab came to India illegally with an intention to commit a crime and also committed it. His act has been caught on tape and he was duly arrested. Now this man came to our country on a suicide mission unluckily he survived. When one comes with the intention of killing and knows fully well that he’ll die in the process, the moment he acts on his intention it can be interpreted that he has waived his Human Rights. Why then are people fighting for his rights? Next point – Legal aid is provided only to those people who have entered India legally and committed an offense. But our generous judiciary is holding a luxury trial for this man who did not enter our country legally. So now coming to the joke on my country – A man comes to India to kill Indians, manages to kill a few[ hundred ]innocent Indians, then willingly goes to jail, manages to get himself an Indian Lawyer and makes the rest of India pay for his sustenance while in custody. Hmmm…] 26.11.08 saw the civilians root for the Army. The Army that everybody had forgotten existed post Kargil war. Mr.P said that in the Army subordination and ranks and differences are strictly maintained but the Judiciary beats the Army. How? A High Court Judge had come to the district courts; he is a very old man. He had a fall. The presiding officer went up to help him and in the process gave a sympathetic “smile” next day that officer was transferred. A superior cannot take such matters lightly. [How dare a subordinate laugh at him? Hrmph.] This lands the poor officer who witnessed and aided the old fool in a catch 22 situation. That’s when the spotlight came on me all thanks to my misadventures with PBFEBTKOLS, the absurdity of catch-22 defines my situation so well because if I don’t speak in class I’m in trouble if I speak in class I am in trouble!!!!!!! [What do I do?]

Sometimes the most complicated things are easy to understand and the easiest things buzz around my head like an irate bee. Which is why sometimes when I ask a question the moment I ask it, the answer comes to me. I would have asked the question silently to myself but somehow saying it out loud brings more clarity. I end up doing this a lot even while talking to my friends and unfortunately the same happens in class. All my lecturers got used to it except PBFEBTKOLS, who thought I was testing his intelligence and only wanted to insult him. I wish I did it intentionally that way I wouldn’t feel bad about how biased he is. Evilness can be measured in the following 5 categories:
1. Evil Evil (Acquired evilness)
2. Pure Evil (Inherent evilness)
3. Good Evil (Not evil, but may seem evil.)
4. Imp Evil (Mischief maker)
5. Innocent Evil (Doing things without intending to do them)
I am definitely number 5 and sometimes I can be number 1 too.

Very few teachers from school to college have had some effect on me and made me want to experiment, step beyond the boundary and out of my comfort zone. Mr.P is one of them.

P.S : He is also the only lecturer who has never yelled at me and the only persons class in which I haven’t yawned.

P.P.S: I haven’t yawned during Jurisprudence lectures and law of evidence lectures both taught by the Principal. He also [implied] makes it to my list of favorite teachers.


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