So true except for the thesis bit, in my case its 7 Reports on the driest topics on earth minus my case study which fortunately was something I got to pick.
I had been meaning to change my phone for over a year and it was then that this phone had caught my eye – The Google Pixel XL. I had read so much about it. Found that a lot of people that I am surrounded by had no intentions of getting it. Here is the thing, my sole reason for investing in a gadget has to do with the following: · Its price should be within a certain range i.e it should not burn a hole in my wallet. · It should at least be guaranteed that the product will be receiving software support for a minimum of 3 years. · It should have excellent user interface to make life easy and be a tool for communication as well as relaxation. · It should have a good camera. · Its accessories must be easily available in the market. It’s with the help of this list that I short list...
The little girl aped her elder brother. To her, he was the coolest dude that existed. She was the kid in school who was spoken to because she was so and so’s sister. As a kid she was extremely naïve. Her brother was the quizzer, the topper, the teacher’s pet, the social guy and everybody liked him. She on the other hand was the brat, the swimmer, a teacher’s nightmare, anti social and didn’t want to be liked by anyone. They were polar opposites of each other. Her brother - the witty charmer and She, the *shrugs shoulders* and very impolitely leaving conversation kind of person. Perhaps… the younger version of her envied the ease with which her brother was able to make friends and be at the core of everything that was happening in school. The fact that they were so different and studied in the same school eventually led to teachers constantly comparing them. It wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle. But imagine a little girl always being chastised and all sermons ending with, “why ...
--> Every year the first Sunday of august is celebrated as friendship's day. This day brings me some really baffling memories of fights that need not really have happened but I was at the same time gladdened by the fact that they did. I am not a believer in keeping just one day to celebrate friendship, love etc… Why should we have specific days for telling someone you care for them or love them? These “special days” include mother’s day, father’s day and all the other days. The reason for designating a particular day is to make the consumer fish take the bait. Consumer fish is so blinded by materialism that feelings are given no consideration whatsoever. The key ingredient of these “special days” is the extravagant gifts that are exchanged. As pathetic as this is and as a common occurrence around the globe it sometimes makes me wonder if being shallow is the only way to get by in this world. If it is so, I think I’ll have to start off with pretence of being extremely caring...