Snippets from the past and today.

N: You have a Barbie?
A: Hmmm… my parents got it.
(N inspecting the doll.)
N: Why is one of her shoe missing?
A: X lost her Barbie’s shoe so I gave her one from mine.
N: What about the comb?
A: Gave that to X.
N: Where is her dress?
A: Got burnt while ironing it.
N: Haven’t you ever wondered?
A: What?
N: Why doesn’t she wear a bra?
A: Not really… let’s ask ma.

N&A: Why doesn’t Barbie wear a bra?
Mother: Give me that doll. Go play outside. Shoo…

A: It’s because she’s plastic.
N: Then…
A: No don’t ask. I don’t know.


Over the phone.

A: Hello?
N: Hey how you?
A: Didn’t we talk 12 hours back? Not much has happened since.
N: You didn’t read the papers?
A: The Lahore Attack?
N: Nope. Archie proposes to Veronica in the last Archie’s issue.
A: People still read that?
N: Poor Betty.
A: Marry a blonde, you blonde besotted fool.
N: Nah, I’ll marry a brunette who’ll dye her hair blond.
A: Some people never grow with their age.
N: Like Barbie.
A: (Rolling eyes. Pauses, Doesn’t feel the need to respond.)
N: No wrinkles on her huh? How old is she now 50? 60?
A: Dude she’s plastic!
N: Ah and your answer never changes.

[Further conversation irrelevant.]

P.S: Makers of Barbie you have caused some irreversible damage to my friend’s brain. I don’t know how many more victims are out there but it’s high time you did something about it.


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