Break the rules

The one law that has been enforced seriously in town is the “Helmet Rule” which is mandatory. If you are found without one get your wallet out and pay up. With each time your fine amount increases. Today happened to be one miserable day for non helmet wearing riders. There was surprise checking at all traffic heavy spots in town.

A couple of men riding a bike were without helmet, and an old man told them to take a shortcut so as to escape being caught. This was just one single case. But everywhere people especially the elders were telling young chaps to take a U-turn as there was checking ahead.

The law was made to protect the riders precious “Brain”, not following the rule either emphasizes that the rider lacks one or has one that’s worth living without.

The first accident that I met with had me thanking my helmet because my head hit the road with a thud and the other guy flipped in the air and fell right next to me. I got up and belted expletives like a sailor’s parrot at the guy once I realized that he was not hurt. This guy was attending a campus interview in his college and he got the job. He decided to go out and have a “few beers” with his friends and after that decided to zip home and on his way rammed right into me.

I don’t know if the reason I feel so strongly about this rule is because I have had friends who have met their ends on the road or because most of the people on the roads speeding cannot control the speed endangering someone else. There are a bunch that speed around without wearing helmets and then put sudden brakes-skid-fall-battle for life-then die. There is the other bunch that claims to ride keeping in mind all the rules. They forget that there are others who might not follow the same. But no!

What really has me wanting to get at these people is that the oldies are actually helping these morons get away easy. Seriously what are the oldies thinking?


mumofason said…
oldies have drained their brains off .. that's what is wrong! ;)

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