The Battle Ground

The Lion Cub v. Pot Bellied Frog Eyed Balding Twitching Klutzy Old Skunk [PBFEBTKOLS]

Round 1: I hate you.
Result: Tie

Round 2: TauntsResult: “Sticks and stones might hurt me your words surely don’t, you lice blood drinking, leech poop munching old fool!!!!” – Lion Cub

Round 3: ProvokeResult: Lion cub took the bait and lost to PBFEBTKOLS.

Round 4: Accusations
Result: Lion Cub has clean chit, no allegations proved.

Round 5: BloodshedResult: Duration of battle: 50 hours
Umpire: The wise Elephant
Winner: The unscathed Lion Cub
Looser profile
: PBFEBTKOLS --->Integrity- Ripped, Raped & Shredded,
Character questioned,
Obvious Biasness proved beyond reasonable doubt,
AND lost the wise Elephant’s respect forever :)


Unknown said…
hmmmm... So after so much taunts, provocations, accusations & bloodshed; the LION CUB won huh. Nice...:)
Of course! What did you expect? This was a battle that mattered not only to the Lion Cub but also to the rest of the animals in its kingdom ;) :P
Unknown said…
Oh... LION CUB has done a great job by saving itself & its kingdom.. Lion Cub has to be complimented in person & be honored..:)

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