πŸ‘£ Pacer: Pedometer, Step Counter & Weight Loss Tracker

One and a half years ago I decided I needed a Fitbit but I wasn’t sure if I would stick to the fitness routine I wanted to start. I haven’t been very dedicated where exercise is concerned and hence I was not particularly sure if I should spend a bomb on a gadget that would very well just end up being a very expensive bracelet on my wrist. That’s when I decided to look for an App on Playstore that did pretty much the same thing and that’s how I ended up installing Pacer on my phone.

Pacer is a step counter app that does multiple things – for starters, it counts your steps, calories burnt and distance walked/run. Since we always have our phone on us this is as good as a gadget around your wrist and since it is your phone you have the added advantage of listening to an interesting podcast or music of your choice when you run/walk/jog.

For my personal settings I have set 16k steps per day that is approximately 10km. I either run or walk 10 kms everyday just so I feel like I have contributed a little to my health and longevity. The one thing I realized since I installed this app is that the initial enthusiasm of exercising then transcends to routine and when you see results you invariably find yourself pushing your body a little further.

What I chose to do was to exercise and eat healthy and gradually lose weight. I did not starve myself nor did I abstain from eating certain things. I wanted to know if my regular diet was the cause for weight gain. I guess I always knew at the back of my mind that it was stress and you have no idea what difference diversion from stressful things does to one’s health.

Pushing stress out meant maintaining my original diet and since I don’t really indulge too much in sweets and deep fried foods even though I love them and that was really helpful. I didn’t just drop kilos, I’m also able to maintain the weight I am at now. The thing is that I set a goal for myself and before I knew it I was subtracting a kilo from my ideal number the moment I reached the goal. Now, that can be dangerous. Don’t go crazy trying to get under 50 kilos.( I watch too many J-Pop and K-Pop videos. My bad.)

If you don’t want to use a wrist gadget, install this App. It also tracks your routes and given our terrain you can assess when you burn most calories - is it while running up hill or on a flat surface. This App helps you play around with it to find yourself the best suited workout.

This App also has the option of setting goals for oneself  such as in the pictures below:

This way you don’t just monitor your physical activity but also what you are consuming and this way you can keep track of healthy eating habits and accordingly add exercises to attack your weak points. I for one do a lot of arm exercise because at one point I enrolled in a gym and completely messed up my muscles hence now I do exercises to tone my arms with the aid of my own body weight. My aunt taught me yoga to help with my migraines and general fitness and I also follow blogilates on YouTube and thanks to her channel I was sucked into Pilates.

Doing a little bit of all of this and to record the same on your device helps you track your progress and is definitely a morale booster.

Pace in tension if you must but let Pacer tell you that the pacing did your body at least a little good. πŸ˜‰ 


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