Pina Colada

The heat just doesn’t seem to ebb and we have been getting requests for juice recipes and other “summer” themed recipes. We thought why not begin with something really delicious and easy to make?

Ever bought a bunch of pineapples only to find them to be excessively sour? Don’t throw them away! Do what we did 😊


3 small Pineapples
2 Cups Water
8 Table Spoons Powdered Sugar (As per taste)
1 ½   Cup Thick Coconut milk


1.     Chop the pineapples and blend them in the mixer and strain it.  I got about 4 ½ glasses of fresh, thick pineapple juice.

2.     To make Coconut milk  take about half a cup of grated coconut, and half a cup of water and blend it in the mixer. Then strain it through a thin muslin cloth and squeeze the life out of the pulp. I got about 1 ½ cup of thick coconut milk. You can skip the physical exercise by just buying coconut milk from a store.

3.     Add coconut milk to the Pineapple juice.  You’ll notice the visibly frothy pineapple juice turn into a really creamy milky consistency. If you find that the thickness is too much, accordingly add water to thin it a bit. I had to add about 1 ½ cups of water to reduce it to a drinkable consistency. Don’t make it overly thin.

4.     Add sugar and stir well.

5.     Refrigerate until serving time.

6.     In total I got about 8 glasses of yummy thick Pina Colada. 

·        If you are ready to serve and don’t have time for refrigeration, serve with crushed ice cubes.
·        You can also add 3 – 4 scoops of vanilla ice cream in the mixture and serve it. Just don’t add sugar if you do that.
·        You can add a dash of Rum to this mixture for the adults at your party. I’d recommend Amrut Two Indies rum.



Anonymous said…
Hi. I'm so glad that you posted this. Thank you so much for such a quick response to my earlier request������
Bob said…
Hey! You're welcome! We hope you like this and we'll be bringing you more of these over the next few weeks:)
Unknown said…
I tried today.. its nyc & easy..
Bob said…
:) I'm glad you tried it and enjoyed it too! :)

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