Avengers: Infinity war!


We’ve long been heading here and it is finally here! The infinity war begins with a bang leaving you no time to adjust in your seats. You are immediately transported to Asgard and you see Thor and Loki at their most vulnerable. Thanos is on a mission for the stones. The beginning for some reason reminded me so much of Harry Potter and the  Deathly Hallows. Ummm… you’ll know why when you watch the movie or you’ll get my cryptic clue right here.

Then you are in New York and you see Hulk and Bruce Banner battle between themselves in what could only be a superhero midlife crisis that keeps us laughing throughout the movie. Doctor Strange and Wong are now informed by Hulk about Thanos coming to Earth and BAM! We have Amazing Spider man, Tony Stark, Doctor Strange, Wong, Bruce wannabe hulk get into a battle with Maw and Obsidian.

Next thing you know we are in Scotland with Wanda and Vision. Things seem to slow just for a minute and KAPOW! Midnight and Glaive ambush the couple, only to have the Falcon and Black Widow rescue them.

Then we are in SPACE and who do we meet here? The Guardians of the Galaxy, who are attending to a distress call, find themselves in the company of Thor. They briefly exchange pleasantries and then Thor is off to Nedavellir with the Rabbit and Groot. While the rest head to Knowhere.

At Knowhere, Thanos and Gamora come face to face and well they face off and face smash like people do in all superhero comics. Gender no bar.

You thought we were done travelling through the universe didn’t you? Nah ah! We then head to Wakanda and the war that ensues there reminded me so much of the LOTR scene where Legolas and the rest are shooting arrows at the Wargs.

Does Thanos get the infinity stones? Will the Heroes live? Is everything lost? Well maybe not because comics always leave you with that glimmer of hope in the bleakest situations.

The movie was done well. There is a lot happening the entire time. There is comic relief and some really serious moments. Every MCU character has screen-time. Don’t complain about how little it is though! I love fast paced movies. I love a theme. I love how everything comes together and falls into place. We have been heading here since 2008 and we know every character there is and we know what to expect but can we handle it?

The movie has been directed well. The background score is also on point with the story. The CGI is amazing. I especially loved it in two scenes a LOT! One is the war at Wakanda and the other shall not be mentioned because *spoilers*.  

The teenager in you will rejoice. You will find yourself sitting on the edge of your seat. If you’ve read the comics you will survive. If you haven’t, worry not you can always leave us a mail or comment and we’ll calm your beating heart.

My rating: 4.2/5
Recommend: Yes, the movie is an experience. I consider experience experience. *wink*

P.S: I love dressing up for my Superhero movies. Do you?
P.P.S: I hope Disney and Fox are talking to each other.


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