👣 Pacer: Pedometer, Step Counter & Weight Loss Tracker

One and a half years ago I decided I needed a Fitbit but I wasn’t sure if I would stick to the fitness routine I wanted to start. I haven’t been very dedicated where exercise is concerned and hence I was not particularly sure if I should spend a bomb on a gadget that would very well just end up being a very expensive bracelet on my wrist. That’s when I decided to look for an App on Playstore that did pretty much the same thing and that’s how I ended up installing Pacer on my phone. Pacer is a step counter app that does multiple things – for starters, it counts your steps, calories burnt and distance walked/run. Since we always have our phone on us this is as good as a gadget around your wrist and since it is your phone you have the added advantage of listening to an interesting podcast or music of your choice when you run/walk/jog. For my personal settings I have set 16k steps per day that is approximately 10km. I either run or walk 10 kms everyday just so I feel like I have contribu...