To new beginnings *Clink*

Finally the day has arrived. Chapter- College closed. I am just glad to be done with it. I have been wishing for this day for so long and here it is. Am I sad? No. Happy? No. Just glad that this is it. Actually I was thinking of the funny feeling I used to get when I used get ready on the first day of school. Each year I would eagerly wait for school to reopen. And during school I would eagerly wait for summer holidays. But the first day was always exciting. Day one of college was exciting too. New academic year in college didn’t bring any flutters just a groan wishing it would all end soon. But TODAY after 5 long years I had the flutters. The anticipation of a new chapter, new beginnings and everything brand new a more mature perspective towards life and people.

We had our farewell today and things didn’t go well. I guess my batch-mates are the most despised no- Hated batch that ever walked the halls of the college. All my anger in college has been because of the students – especially my classmates and of course a few lecturers. I wouldn’t blame the institution, it’s the people. I thought at least the last day would make people forget differences and we’d all just say ok “let’s bury the hatchet and move-on” but these people giving up an opportunity to cause a scene is expecting too much. I regret belonging to the batch of ’09. When I say regret I mean really wishing with my heart that I never ever ever become even an iota of what these people are, or be recognized as just another student from the batch.

Mr.P had to give me a little piece of advice. [Now before I type further it is important to know that my parents always taught me to look beyond pettiness. Just because someone was stooping low doesn’t mean I should get down to their level. I guess at some level they are right. Why should I be the same as them? But then again there are some things that need to be voiced out loud to the intended person, an outlet to finally say ok I got that out of my system. And the anger today had reached a level which even I could not control and I didn’t want to carry it forward with me. Things had to come to an end today and not go beyond.] So Mr.P always recognizes a conflict etched face when he sees one. He told me to go ahead speak my mind off and end it and concentrate on whatever tomorrow has to offer. I did just that. I finally lashed out at the intended persons and the relief I felt after that is inexplicable.

People take silence for weakness. They think they are getting under the other person’s skin. I guess people finally realized that pent up anger is far worse than impulsive and in the moment anger. If I have to give my anger an outlet its best if the person be prepared with tissue papers I have the gift of being extremely articulate and clam when expressing my anger and have a tendency of hitting sensitive spots and wounding the person further. I also have the tendency of opening old wounds and leaving a new mark on them. I sound like a blood sucking villainous creature don’t I? But that’s what happens when people push my buttons everybody can test me to a limit and once they cross the line they get what they deserve and more.

That ordeal done with it was actually time to move on. I Guess I do take some good memories with me. Even if they are few it’s nice to know that not everything about college was a bloody battle. I Know I said I’d abstain from blogging about college. This ought to do it. The final traces of my college and me.


P.S: Group 1 of JSSLC batch of ’09 rocks and are indisputably the masters of the law of evidence :D

1. I am going to miss racing on the ring road.
2. The annoying Pomeranian that always made it a point to come and stand right in front of my wheel. [I got my revenge though. I spotted him peeing on a tree and did my best ever imitation of a Pomeranian bark, poor chap stopped peeing and stared at me as if he had seen a ghost. That was hilarious.]
3. Coming late to the class. I don’t think I have ever made it to the class before the lecturer did.
4. The cherry tree that I used to hug before exams for “good luck”.
5. Last but not the least my uniform. [Nah I won’t miss it, just said that to make my list have 5 things. Read O.C.D]


Anonymous said…
*Clink* Congrats! Sounds like you left in a blaze of glory. And now the world knows to never, ever, ever get on your bad side :)
mumofason said…
'People take silence for weakness' - I agree more than 100%. And yes, cheers to the fact that you are one of the very few people who have the guts to speak their mind! :)
Unknown said…
yup... it was the day for which we all awaited for.. though sometimes feel sad thinking that our college days r no more, it feels more exciting to think that we r all professionals now..:) and it was our batch who ROCKED at last... ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh... Cheers...

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