Taboos and Laws

Obviously the two don’t go together. Sex forever has been a taboo, any law which even has the word in it is turned down. [God forbid one might be tempted into unscrupulous behavior which is a no no in India.] People won’t even allow schools to bring in sex education as a part of the syllabus because the parents/politicians/ jobless junta/politicians all feel that by bringing this Act into force is a free pass to introduce porn in schools. [Ha!!!] So it’s ok if teenagers have sex, experiment, not use protection, get pregnant, go to shady places for abortions – because that’s what is happening. The country is better off by not educating them, so allow them to figure things out for themselves. And the wise junta is still figuring out why? AIDS is rampant. [Go figure!]

*Sex is against our culture*. So how did you get here? By a miracle? Gah!!!! Kamasutra? Remember the god of desire? Ok for all the faint hearted old politicians who stare at a woman's chest thinking it’s their birth right seem to forget that 90% of the Indian population worships the male genitalia! And yet sex is taboo. OK.

Some Random ass/jerk MAP says, “Western studies have shown that sex education in school does not lead to less medical issues or problems. Kids/teenagers still do irresponsible things and cause the same old problems.”

Another Random ass/jerk says,Yeah MAP; Bill Clinton is the example. We should have taught younger ones about benefits of celibacy rather than the usefulness of condoms. Yoga is the remedy to curb the animalistic nature in human, it must be taught from early age and there should be an end to co-education.”

According to me these are two sexually frustrated people [Gender don’t matter] who well didn’t get any so subscribed to yoga. MAP "thinks" that only kids/teenagers cause problems.

If people have such a terrible opinion of what kids are up to any ways, it’s about time people gave them something to think about.

It's no different with adults-A woman was stopped at the airport a few years back and it made head lines all over the country, because she was traveling alone on a business trip and her husband had made her wear the “Chastity belt”. She was pulled out of the line because the metal detector wouldn’t stop beeping so she had to tell the authorities what was causing the beep.

Morality-Chastity-Celibacy are all an individual’s choice. Morality is a relative term, being chaste to one’s partner is not something that a third party can comment on and if celibacy works for some, doesn’t mean it should be imposed on the rest. When such articles make it to the news it makes me wonder if we were better off in the dark ages.

Instead of telling youngsters that sex is natural and an integral part of the life cycle, it is being branded as taboo and something that should not be attempted. In that case that’s the first thing a kid would do. Give them the information it cannot do them more harm.


Anonymous said…
Anyone who thinks that yoga is going to encourage abstinence either knows nothing about yoga or nothing about sex.

Those people sound just like the conservatives here in the U.S. The world's gotta stop hating on sex!
That's not going to happen anytime soon because the person saying "Teach kids benefits of celibacy" exists but not as a random face in the crowd but in millions.

We also have "moral policing" around here and these people end up having their say even while deciding the education syllabus.

The fact that people use the argument of Sex not being a part of the Indian culture is pure bull crap because we have temples that explicitly depict the course of nature.

And if yoga did indeed control hormones it would be the new wonder drug.
mumofason said…
It is like the forbidden fruit isn't it. What you say should not be done, will be naturally gone against. ;)

And as for those dirty old men.. God save the female species, is all i will say.

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