Kids are aliens dressed as little-humans - III

Watch the video at your own risk. Make sure your speaker volumes are low. Check the volume once before you press the play button. Incline your head to the left and now if you are really sure you want to waste one minute of your precious life watching two midgets screech please go ahead by all means :)

This video was taken sometime in September 2008. It was on our journey to Delhi
Duration :40 hours! Yup. These kids would sleep for 15 minutes and would start screeching continuously for 3 hours (Not exaggerating). It was as if they were programed to do that or may be it was just a routine. God knows. It was definitely not the nicest journey i have been on and yes, i did threaten to throw the kids out of the train. But again i did not carry out my "Master Plan".

The whole situation was akin to me suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. It was a hostage situation of sorts given that there was NO escaping these kids. :)


Anonymous said…
you just convinced me not to have kids.
And you just made your contribution to "World PEACE".
Nope not funny. Far from funny. At one station i actually picked up the kid and got off the train and let him down on the platform and told him that the train will leave without him BUT if he promises to keep quite i'd help him get in. Little laddie said "Kasam se". To be on the safer side i also told him that the train will be stopping at more stations and if he breaks his promise i could always put him back on the platform, and that stupid kid gave me the i will not break my promise look so i put him on the steps. Do you REALLY want to know what happened next?
mumofason said…
I was laughing at the video.. :D :D Couldn't helpt it.

But yeah, lemme guess? The kasam se kid ended up breaking his kasam? yeah? :D LOL

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