Lucy in the sky with Diamonds...

I hadn’t slept on Sunday night because I wanted to stay up and watch the sunrise. I have seen the sunset often but to actually watch a beautiful sunrise is rare. Sometimes my friends and I go to the Chamundi hills at 5 in the morning climb the steps or hike all the way up and just when we reach the top the city is alight with the beautiful crimson light slowly spreading over the dark blue skies erasing the signs of the previous night. You have to be there to enjoy this. I like standing on the stone wall and look down at the city which looks very pretty. Yes, Mysore is a very pretty place, it’s quaint and cozy and extremely-sometimes overwhelmingly breathtaking.

Since Monday I have been living life in cartoon motion. I have bumped into walls and pillars and got bruised and yet nothing can wipe the smile of my face. Everything is nice. Being born in to this world doesn’t seem like such a terrible thing after all. Life is nice in Technicolor.

Living life in a psychedelic daze is far more interesting than facing realities every day and having your energy and optimism drained out. I am an optimist. I like believing that people are good. That bad things don't last for long. That Karma is a fact. Wow to actually have this feeling reinforced in me is AWESOME. I use the word awesome often when I speak.

I also realized one more thing; quotes by Osho are far funnier when read after getting drunk. Crazy as that may sound its true. Read Osho’s quotes and you’ll find yourself analyzing everything he says, not that you’ll be enlightened at the end of the day but you just realize that you are a seer in your own right. Get it? I could belt out philosophy if I chose to with respect to all that I have experienced of life so far but nobody would care because I am not 60 years older than I am now and I don’t have the somber tone to address a gathering. Right now I am as chirpy as the next bird you see flying in the sky because I am just GLAD. Hee yeah, the effects have not worn off and if this continues I am sure I’ll recoup from all the illnesses of the mind I suffered in the past few years. Does the mind degenerate because of ones surroundings? I think it does. Or did I just allow mine to go spiraling to a state of decomposition?

Imagine if people died and when they did if their brains were removed at a certain time and sliced open all their inner thoughts would come pouring out for all standing there to see. Will that make you miss the person less? Love the person more? Hate the person? Or simply just realize that you’ll be there someday too and there will be people around to see your thoughts pour out after you are dead?

Today is the world environment day and my friend invited me to go attend the protest march at Lalith Mahal. [Well the city corp. is bringing down hundreds of trees which are hundreds of years old.] The objective was to protect the trees from being felled. Now we knew this would happen all along. It never was a secret. This debate has been going on for months. [OK maybe my blog should become the “you will make it to A’s blog if you talk “silly” to her instead of Life as I know it.:)]

X: Hey lets go to the protest.
A: I hate crowds.
X: Come on don’t be a fuss pot.
A: I am not being one. I just hate the idea of having to stand there for hours together and finally see the trees come down anyway.
X: But it is the right thing to do!
A: Why is it the right thing to do?
X: I don’t know, it feels right.
A: It would have been the right thing to do if you had protested on the day the Corp announced that the trees would be coming down. Why did you guys have to wait till today? Your idea is retarded.
X: You know what your problem is?
A: No, I don’t enlighten me.
X: You are plain cynical.
A: No I’m not, I am more in tune with reality than you are if that is cynical in your dictionary ok I am.
X: Why are you so stubborn, get your you know what there.
A: Nope not coming. Don’t wait for me.
X: I know why you are not coming; I hope you get trampled by trees in your nightmares.
A: Ok. Bbye :)

[Ever had a pompous uncle who always treated you like you were his equal and picked arguments with you and then tried to humiliate you before the rest of the family/strangers because he thought it was amusing that someone actually thought they could match his wit or out wit him? So this man is heading the protest and my father has taken it upon himself to ensure that I am not in the vicinity when this man is out there ‘advocating’ for the trees. I could do that :)]

Instead Fenny and I decided to watch the clouds. Ok I watched the clouds while Fenny barked at the wind. Fenny likes the rains too. She looks up at the sky with her mouth open when it drizzles and catches the rain drops and when it showers she gets drenched walks inside the house in the middle of the room and shakes herself and makes sure all are doused by Fenny-rain. If she only enjoyed a bath as much it would save me a lot of trouble.


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