The story of a Sunrise

Sleeping early (read past midnight) + Loud infernal alarm clock(s) + Caffeine + Innumerable missed calls to a friend = Trip up the Chamundi Hills at 5 in the morning.

After enjoying the first one hour of knowing that college is behind us my friend and I started suffering from a very serious case of boredom. Boredom actually has its up’s. We were accelerated into motion by the very idea of doing something we have done innumerable times. But the catch was to make this trip different from the rest. Yes! we actually managed to beat the routine and did something way off the track. There are 4 ways to get up to the hills – Climb the steps, Hike, Ride and climb the rocks and it was interesting to check our energy levels so we decided to Ride,hike,climb steps and climb the rocks as well. :) All this effort just to watch a sunrise, but it was definitely worth it.

A still and sleepy Mysore.

First traces of Dawn.

Crimson light spreading over the skies.

Here comes the sun tu du du...

On the way up the hills.

The Chamundeshwari Temple.

Black and white version of the Temple.

Mahishasura, the demon after whom the city is named. He was slain by goddess Chamundeshwari. When i was a kid i was too scared to see his face, but over the years he seems to be getting shorter and friendlier.

Sadhu on the steps.

Mysore in light.

Blue skies
Smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies
Do I see

Singing a song
Nothing but bluebirds
All day long

Never saw the sun shining so bright
Never saw things going so right
Noticing the days hurrying by
When you're out of college, my how they fly

Blue days
All of them gone
Nothing but blue skies
From now on...


mumofason said…
Beautiful pics! :)
Chaitra said…
beautiful pics... :) i wanna see the sunrise over mysore too...
Lets do that the next time you are home. okay?

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