Speech bubble

[When I was a kid my brother loved messing with my brain. He once told me that whatever people think appears like a speech bubble near their head. He told me that only adults had the power to see the bubble that we kids could not see them. I asked my friend who was older than my brother if this was true and he said no. I remember coming back home sitting at the dining table imagining punching my brother and watching my parent’s expression they didn’t seem the least bothered.]

Staying on track in this particular class is probably the toughest thing to do. The lecturer and I share a mutual dislike for each other. So, I let my mind wander and this is what happens when it goes for a walk on its own. This would have been the speech bubble near my head.

Corpus – corporate-juristic person-‘the’ looks like flu-Bird Flu-M.I.A- O Saya- Slum dog Millionaire- Danny Boyle- Silly movie- Didn’t deserve Oscar (s)- Rahman has done better work- Roja-Bombay- Maximum City (Super book)- Travelogue- go take a trip in June- go solo-more fun-job-recession-influence-man is the worst animal(lecturer said so)- Bee buzzing in the room- buzz- Parthenogenesis-89th twitch- 10 o’clock-custody not the same as arrest- bad idea to keep change in the pocket- worst or the most cruel animal is the police ( again lecturer said so)- Oh damn the lunch- POTA-TADA-GUJCOCA-Ah ha BJP ki jai- “Jai ho” Congress theme song- Congress lacks creativity-Stifle Yawn- (-ve)marks? For what? Pay attention to the man-oh oh- pen click- neighbor reading whatever I’m writing- people think I’m furiously taking down notes *evil grin*- mandamus- most frequently used writ- can be filed against private individuals (amended 2006)- don’t speak-lecturer not aware of amendment-certiorari- (Q. If the appellate tribunal dismisses the appeal can High Court issue writ of certiorari and entertain the case?) – go to court at 11:30- try to get in touch with L.L.C Adv.- Fix an appointment for this evening- try NOT to imagine lecturer dancing to Shakira’s ‘whenever wherever’- Oh man! Test papers- divorce petition- ground for divorce husband drinks- we all drink- Morarji Desai drank his own pee- Best paper wah- Secret hi 5- moot- work- more work- joblessness- don’t whistle in the corridor- convince people to watch Gulal this week- phew- finally class over.


mumofason said…
roflmao.. I loved that ' try NOT to imagine lecturer dancing to Shakira! ' hehe.. If only the lecturer knew.. :D :D
Sachin Puthran said…
Very nice post... Its hard to get one's thoughts on paper.. loved lecturer dancing to Shakira.. :)
Keep posting more of your thoughts... rofl

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