The Dumpster

All the world’s a dumpster, and all the men and women have either dumped or been dumped.” – Ashwini Shenoy

I am not a relationship expert, but final year in law college clubbed with frequent visits to the Family Court with some strange influence of people in my college I have come to view the whole world as a dumpster. Couples once together now strangers. Couples who came to the court to marry 6 months back, are back seeking a divorce. It’s amazing how the equation in relationships keep changing. If you view a relationship as an equation in today’s day and age, there are no constants, only variables. These variables change with time and will not necessarily balance the equation that’s when things start going wrong.

Therefore the frequency of break ups is on a high. Hence almost 90% of the whole world population can be classified under two categories – The Dumpers and The Dumped (some are [un] lucky enough to have been on both sides of the divide)

Recently, my one joy of “techie-couples” bashing rights were taken away from me forever. These techie couples alone could fill up most of my future blog posts and each story is uniquely different from the others, but posting about them would be contrary to the law. (There go some fantastic stories) I have found myself rolling my eyes at these couples, it's hard not to laugh when they are being so stupid (yes, stupid. That word alone describes them the best) Thanks to them I started making a list of things that are a high priority for me in a relationship. When the list exceeded 3 pages I realized that I had to throw it away.

[I have always wondered if there have been couples who have broken up because one was bored of the other. I wouldn’t say, the person bored of the relationship had commitment issues, the person was just bored so decided to call it quits instead of being bored for the rest of their lives.]


Unknown said…
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mumofason said…
Love your quote :).. Couldn't be more apt :|

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