The MOTHER of all JOY (",)

If JSSLC were a woman, I’d like to imagine her as being a VERY pregnant woman carrying 75 children in her womb. Since she is a unique woman her gestation period is for a period of 5 years. She is due to deliver on 30th of April. That in legal parlance would make me a person who is en ventre sa mere. On 30th of April I’ll bite at the umbilical cord and run in the opposite direction of my college never to come back. (Except of course to write my final semester exams and attend the viva voce)

The count down officially begins at midnight. The joy of knowing that I’m almost out of here has put me in such a cheerful mood. I even agreed to help a couple of people who in the past have been very mean to me. Doing this made me happier. Nothing can please me more than the confused look on people’s faces when I agree to help them. When I agree to help them, there is a startled look on their face and confusion soon gets to them and they start wondering what I could possibly gain from helping them? *snigger* The look on their face is priceless. But what follows further brings me MORE joy. They can’t figure out my “ulterior motives”, so they suddenly decide that they don’t need my help. :D (If only I had known this was the easiest way to weasel out of helping people I don’t really want to help.)

What more could happen today to fill my cup of joy? I got 5 books on my must read list. Hooray!!!


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