The week that was...

The road that leads to the colony I live in was a very muddy road. The road wasn’t level nor did a tar road plan materialize till a month back. Plan came and was immediately executed. It is such a pleasure to ride on that road now. No more fear of ever skidding on the post rain quick sandish road ever.

I don’t use the horn often [Never], but recently while riding on the busiest and most accident prone road I was pressing the horn in vain. It had died a silent death. Probably because it wasn't often used or because I left my vehicle under the rain one terrible day and hence there might be some trouble with the wiring. I used to think that the kick start was like a vestigial organ because when you have the automatic start what use could the kick start be of? I discovered that as well. Rains can really make you rediscover the various utilities of your vehicle.

The parliament was debating about a TV show. The TV show in this case is the desi version of Moment of truth. I decided to watch one episode. Personally I felt if people want money and can come in front of the rest of the world and reveal their inner most secrets and confess about things in front of an audience rather than in the privacy of their homes, they are entitled to it. I don’t understand the hue and cry made about this show. If it really bothers people, they should just switch of their TVs right? But they chose to file public interest litigation demanding the show be banned. If this show is banned on moral grounds then most of the shows on TV will go off air. That I think will be fantabulous. Parliamentarians should concentrate on more pressing issues. [Like bringing about a law preventing Child Sexual Abuse perhaps. See we don’t have a law on that as yet.]

My Tailor birds are back and they make a ruckus early in the morning if it is raining. They really seem to have developed insensitivity towards the human inhabitant of the room who so generously allows them to build a nest there so that they are less anxious about being attacked by cats and other birds. But no, they think they own my room now. It’s my fault entirely. I should have held a tight reign on them.

I don’t like people who start arguing on a certain topic and when they run out of points to convince the opposite party they spring the “have you read so and so’s book on the same topic?” It really makes me want to whack them on the head. I would have read the book. But a book doesn’t answer all questions and just reading one book on a social issue doesn’t qualify as having “enough knowledge” about the issue. Most authors who write on social issues tend to take sides hence you get to read only one side. I don’t understand why people are so scared of reading the other side of the issue if they are so sure about their stand. But really the book line is a terrible way to slip out of being responsible for ones statements.


mumofason said…
Happy that the road's done! Cheers to some dafe riding kiddo! :)
:D ha ha ha the parents are now worried about my speeding. I managed to go slow when the road wasn't done now it is AWESOME the whole stretch is so neat and even :)

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