Je voudrais être...

1. A bartender. People come to drown their sorrows be it recession or no recession – I would have earned a living. I once told my French teacher that I’d buy a villa in France and own a vineyard and make my own wine and live happily ever after.

2. A journalist. News happens daily. Even if it is not news they make it news. I guess I could add a little bit of my own imagination to the stale news and make it more interesting.

3. A dog trainer. My expertise in all modesty is limited to having trained Fenny. Actually I never trained her. Just spoke to her and guess what she is a smart dog who can respond to 3 different languages


Ashwini Shenoy


Dog trainer

Specializes in teaching dogs different languages.


Would the above sign attract people to bring their dogs to my training centre?

4. A wife. I’ll marry a very rich guy and ask him to loan me a certain amount of money that I’ll use to set up my own Legal practice. Once I start working and get a decent set of clients I’ll repay the loan with interest and divorce the guy. Any rich gay guy out there who will marry a straight lady and then divorce her?
[ Given that the Supreme Court has sent a notice to the Delhi High Court on its decision all thanks to a PIL by a jobless junta well wisher.]

5. Nomad. Give up everything and start from Indira point I’ll travel all the way to north and see where I’ll go from there. Damn nomading with company some how seems more appealing.

6. Legal Adviser. In an insurance company. I am sure all these companies are laughing at me now. No, I could never join an insurance company.

7. Yoga Guru. And I promise to grow weed in the backyard. Honest.

8. Clown. I can make people laugh even in my misery.

9. Teacher. I could teach Kindergarten Kids. *Evilest Grin*

10. A correspondent. Write movie reviews for a glitzy magazine? I could do that.

My brain fuse is slightly off. I know I don’t mean half of what I have written. [4,6,7,8,9] Ah! I hate recession.

[My mother hates it when my brother and I use the F word while talking to each other. Actually she despises the very use of profanity in the house. So my brother and I resorted to showing each other the finger. We then invented the “fingers” where you show the other person all your fingers except the middle finger. Know what that implies? It means it’s not even worth giving that person the middle finger.

This also explains why I don’t know a single bad word in Konkani. My parents kept my brother and me (our ears) from ever learning such words in our mother tongue. And not even our cousins tell us the words if they know any. This is sad. Very sad. My friend the ‘Lab Rat’ who is not even from M’lore knows words in Konkani and will not tell me just one bad word.]

I wish I could give recession the “fingers” and move on. It is a bloody bane to graduate during an economic meltdown.

But on the brighter side my friend ‘The Pissimist’ (a pessimist who pisses you off) proved to be a total antithesis to his pseudo name this morning. :)

Okay I feel better now.


mumofason said…
A teacher for kindergarten kids?? I'd LOVE to see you with those 'little devils' :) as an alternative of course to being the kick ass(est) lawyer! :)
Hey, what are you doing on the internet huh? Aren't you supposed to be getting things done for the 13th? :( i is not comings. I is boreds of this holiday. I haven't had a holiday in so long i just don't know what to do on a holiday :(
I was just joking about teaching little kids. I wouldn't put my self in a 'volenti non fit injuria' situation.
Anonymous said…
#1 is a pretty good option. Those little privately owned vineyards in France and Italy are good business. I was always a good customer when I was stationed there in the military.

#4 really pays off, though. My mom chose #4 and made off like a bandit. She's set for life!
For N.1 - Once i make enough out of practice and feel that i have reached heights of cynicism i will get me my vineyard.

As for N.4 - I hope it never comes to that or 6,7,8,9.

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