A Lion, An Elephant, A lizard and Men.

We have a minister who claims to have killed his first tiger when he was 8. I will not name him. His son works with one of my friends. This minister’s son’s cousin went to South Africa on a safari to kill a lion. Which he did. A huge one. He sent a photograph of his conquest to his cousin –the said minister’s son, who showed off the snap to all his colleagues, my friend included. Apparently, In SA one is allowed to kill animals at a price. This guy who shot the lion, had to shell out USD 50,000. What was this money for? He ha ha ha ha ha ha Conservation of wildlife! If you want to shoot a deer it’ll cost you 5,000 USD, a female Lion 8,000 USD… the list goes on.

Coming back to India. My friend went to Ooty yesterday. On his way he took the picture below.

Now I have never seen a skinny elephant. Never seen one look like this. Made me feel so sad. Wished I could go give it a hug if that would make it feel better. I must have stared at this picture just feeling really sad for this elephant.

Till yesterday I could say I liked lizards and that they didn’t creep me out. but yesterday I saw a Lizard which was may be four inches long. [2 inches body + 2 inches tail] It spotted a tiny baby lizard which was minding its own business. The big lizard went towards baby lizard. As it crawled centimeter by centimeter it started wagging its tail. Not in a friendly way, it was very obvious that it didn't have good intentions. The tail said it all. I had never seen a lizard wag its tail before. I have seen the tail quiver on my palm when I had tried catching them as a kid. I never associated meanness with a lizard till yesterday.

Coming to the next animal – Men/ Boys: They are inscrutable. Period. [No they just like to disagree with girls.Phoo.]

P.S: If I were a LOL cat I'd say, "I has the Sadness" :(


Anonymous said…
Men are only inscrutable because they don't know what they're saying or doing until it's already done. If you tell a man what to do in an authoritative enough way, he'll probably do it...
@Dylan: It is not about asking a guy to do or not do something. The comment i made was prompted by a statement my friend made.
And why is it that men can't think before saying or doing something?
I'm fine with a guy saying whatever is on his mind, but he should also be prepared for the fact that his statement might lead to consequences which he might not personally be pleased with.
Anonymous said…
Well, men certainly can think before they speak or act, but most choose not to. A really disturbing number of them are threatened by intelligent women...which is pathetic.

@Archie: Good call on the wildlife! Sadly, the U.S. also likes to sell off its animals to the highest bidders. We even have lotteries here. I wonder...If I pay enough, can I hunt the hunters?
In that case men [Threatened by women] are making the wrong choice and they'd be better off if they had their grey matter intact while in company of women - that would save them both a lot of trouble [Pretending to be what they are not] and embarrassment too.
Am i close to solving the mystery called men?

And lotteries really?
mumofason said…
I am desperately hoping there is something like that atleast in one corner of the world.. that allows you to hunt the hunters!
ravi said…
About hunting the hunters: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8153168.stm

So cool!
ravi said…
Couldn't stop sharing this one I discovered just now:


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