Video killed the radio and video created the weirdo.

I didn’t watch much T.V in my childhood and that is all thanks to my parents who didn’t want their kids to be influenced by grotesquely portrayed characters on the screen. We instead got to see people [real-live-people-right before our eyes] play those characters. When there was no TV, people at least used their brains, explored their imagination and came up with the most creative ways to entertain. But see, today it is not like that. Actors don’t act, they just babble their lines. The audience watches them closely observing everything about the character that they can best relate to and imbibe the same characteristics in them. Once the TV is turned off they [Audience] play out the role in real life.

That explains a lot of things:

1. Why it is hard to understand others [Because they sometimes get so muddled with being themselves and the character they want to be]

2. Why people are fake [They aren’t the character but would like to be like them and hence the whole mess]

3. People never lie [They always tell the truth. But sometimes the character talks when it should be the actual person talking and hence anything they might say in this overlapping of reel and real person should not be taken to heart]

4. Everybody is the same. There is no difference. [All are actors, it is just your mind playing tricks on you telling you that you are better. Again everybody is the same- each one thinks they are better than the other. Back to square one.]

5. Finally, “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players...” Shakespeare was talking about the different stages of life and our roles in them but today the phrase is taken literally. So irrespective of what we are - lawyers, doctors, engineers, architects etc… we will also be one another thing – Actors.


Anonymous said…
Television is a scourge. The average American watches 4 hours a day. That seems pathological to me. People walk up and down the street like everything is normal...but by the time they're 65 they will have watched 8 or 9 years of TV!

I don't own a TV. This bothers people. Particularly women. Without a giant screen to give direction, they become lost and disturbed. Without TV, they might be forced to interact with other people...

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