
Some men love women and some men love men and so is the case with women, some love men some love women. Sexual orientation is something that has been a mystery to some and obvious to some. But the fact till today remained that Indians thought Homosexuality to be a crime. The only provision of law relating to it was Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which talks about Unnatural offenses:"Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal shall be punished with [Imprisonment for life] , or with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years and shall also be liable for fine."

But TODAY is definitely a day that all Indians will remember. Section 377 has been decriminalized, thereby recognizing homosexuals. Now that I call progress.

It's a shame though, that religious groups have already started their rants about "the end of civilization" and the age old argument that god didn't intend for this to happen. It's about time they opened their eyes and realized that it is happening, it has been happening and that it will continue to happen.

What is being civilized anyway? Does everything that a person do boil down to the need of procreating and breeding more of their kind? Guess what? More children will be born. This is not the end of civilization. If civilization has to come to an end it will all be because of the fanatical Religious leaders who think anything that is passed off as "for the sake of religion" is right[Religious War].

The rise and fall of the waves of human race has seen some extremities but even the waves reach a point of equipoise. Today's judgment is an equipoise for humanity.


ravi said…
Fun has actually started now.
First the govt. will have to either amend or repeal S. 377, this govt. will drag its feet for few years, but will have to do that definitely.

Then comes the amendment of personal laws, this will surely cause friction with religious leaders, they may want to outcast homosexuals from their religion.
Especially, how Christianity and Islam will deal with it, will be very interesting!
Hope, they will be forced to accept the codification of their personal laws.
You mean the Uniform Civil Code? Ha! That will not happen in a really long time. It's only been partially implemented. If it does i don't see how the desi JUNTA would handle it.
And i'd like to retract my statement blaming only religious leaders. There are more people - there are educated people + politicians + Clueless people + people who don't know what they are saying, but saying just because they have the public listening to them +Educated people who advocated for the cause of decriminalizing the section [truly believing in their heart that such a decision would never surface] Now the same people are shush shushing and shunning the judgment+ the junta that likes to talk about things as long as they are in no way effected by it.
It's sad that a one day old decision could cause such an uproar.
ravi said…
Forget Uniform Civil Code, have them codify Muslim and Christian Personal Laws that's enough, then the religious leaders will be reduced to doing what they are supposed to — manning the religion instead of people's lives.

Clueless, dumb junta don't matter unless they are running the government(junta govt. ... bad PJ :P ), these religious leaders are vested with too much power.
If we so much as go to touch the Personal Laws it would amount to a gross violation of Articles 25 and 26 of the Indian Constitution.
Religious leaders have power because of the jobless junta and our very own jobless junta helped elect the new government so it all comes down to vox populi which does not seem to favor the decision.
ravi said…
If a Mary Roy or Shah Bano can fight for their rights, they will also work for the benefit of their community, the sane people will prevail.

BTW, the constitution, that mass-copied text is not above the people's will. When majority of the minority will take a stance against a elite few, then the things has to change and it would not be against the constitution.
mumofason said…
Progress? Definitely YES.. and its about time that the religious minded morons (who incidentally are jobless!) realised that sexuality is personal and it IS definitely God who created all humans, whether man loves woman(and vice versa), or man loves man or woman loves woman. I mean, if God did not create them, then who did? I'd love to be enlightened :)

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