Democracy is a farce, Childhood an illusion and almost everything is wrong with this world.


When in school I had learnt a story on unity.

An old man had four sons who did not get along. The old man did not want to see his fields divided. His only wish was for his family to stay together. So he calls his sons and gives them a stick each and asks them to break it. Each one obeys and breaks them. He then takes four more sticks and hands all to his eldest son and asks him to break all four at once. The eldest son fails so do the other three.
The moral of the story is that if we stick together and remain united nobody can destroy us.

What are the lacunae in this story?
1. If all four had placed the four sticks on a wedge which would act as a liver with two men on either side putting all their weight on either sides you would have 2 bundles of nicely cut sticks.
2. It is true that one person cannot break a group. But if the number were even on both sides I am guessing there would be a decent fight.
3. Honestly which sane "individual" would go attack a group?
4. I understand that the story implies that it’s easier to take down individuals but not groups. But my point is that even groups are not immune.

Ratio Decidendi: Unity is protected as long as there is no one to attack you and when you are under attack you figure out the practicality of your principles.


India is for sale. Any buyers?
So Michael Jackson died. Okay. News channels covered the whole story. Okay. Do you know what else happened the day he died? American President Obama made a statement saying that he would get India and Pakistan to talk again. Yesterday while all news channels were talking about Michael Jackson’s death apparently the story now has taken a U-turn. He was murdered or so they say. Guess what our honorable Prime Minister was doing? He was chatting with his counter part from Pakistan.

Why do I think this is such a bad thing?
Okay let me explain. Ever since partition things haven’t been hunky dory between India and Pakistan.
Reason: Kashmir. We have been attacked by Pakistan 4 times now. All of which have gone on to become full blown war. But each time it is us who go with the olive branch. We have taken the role of being the softies/pushovers. That' s exactly how we are treated too.
Wait Congress also has its own political agenda. [Read- our country is as good as sold to Italy.]

Nobody wants to resolve the Mumbai attacks. If India so much as puts a finger on Kasab, Uncle Sam is going to screech “Violation of Human Rights!”
I have only one question for Uncle Sam, "How do you explain the Bybee memo post 9/11? Isn’t that a violation of Human Rights? People in the Sates have faced only one 9/11. But our country has faced far worse and I am not just talking about Pakistan now, but also China, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. If the US can make laws which protect it’s citizens, can’t other countries do the same? Let me answer that myself – You can’t because you are not a permanent member of the UN. OK."
Hypocrisy personified?

Part 3

National Security has a new meaning
: Any thing said or done which may offend either the Chief Minister/Prime Minister, Governor/President shall give them the liberty to book a person under the National Security Act.

Political leader 'A', Made a comment about Political leader B’s idea of compensating rape victims on the basis of the degree of insult. [ A girl who was raped was paid a compensation of Rs.25,000, another victim who was a newly wed + deaf and dumb was paid Rs.50,000 and another victim’s father was paid Rs.75,000 because the girl in this case died.] But what really irked politician B? Politician A said, “So if B was raped would she have accepted Rs.1,00,00,000 compensation?”


Politician B gets angry about the statement books A under NSA, torches A’s house and also puts other members of A’s political party in prison.
This incident eclipsed the whole Indo-Pak talks.

I have started putting the TV on mute and I just read the news flash that appears at the bottom of the screen. That is more resourceful than whatever the news reader is saying.

Part 4
My cousin and I discovered that we both have a strange way of thinking. It is rare to have family members who think alike. But knowing that someone thinks like you and is in the same family means something is most certainly right in the universe. [It also dispenses my doubts of being adopted:)]


Anonymous said…
The fact that Pakistan retains nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them is a crime against humanity. Every year, the IAEA addresses the potential for catastrophe, and every year the US and the UN look the other way. These people can barely repel the attacks of radicals in their OWN country. How are they supposed to safeguard a tactical nuclear arsenal?? And who would trust them to in the first place??

The olive branch:

"India has made positive statements about a willingness to participate toward a Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty. We hope Pakistan will follow suit."--51–376 CC

Yeah right :(
In 2008 the Indo-U.S. civilian nuclear agreement was entered into. (123 agreement)
2009: - New amendment to the said agreement is that if India conducts any more nuclear tests U.S will shut down its nuclear trade with India.
- Now India is further being coerced into signing NPT (though that seems redundant given that any tests will result in immediate stoppage of nuclear trade.)
Coming to Pakistan:
-China backs Pakistan. ALWAYS. They are also part of a bilateral agreement to develop civil nuclear technology. Chuck that, China has openly supported Pak (financially) to build more nuclear plants.
-U.S supports Pak in every respect and U.S has not condemned China on carrying on nuclear deals with Pakistan.
Also post May 1998[Nuclear tests by India and Pakistan were conducted.] the Kargil War broke out, which incidentally happened to be initiated by Pakistan. This war not only had several causalities but also changed the very map of our country :(

Since last evening more has happened check []

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