Mango Chutney/Ambuli Guli

Here’s one more mango recipe as requested before we finally bid the fruit adieu until next summer! Mango chutney is a common dish during summers in most Konkan homes and is called Ambuli guli. You can have it with curd-rice, chapatis, dosas or use it as sandwich chutney. This tangy chutney is a must try for all raw-mango loving folks.

1 Raw Mango
½ a coconut freshly grated
8-10 Big garlic pods
3 Green chillies
A few sprigs of coriander leaves


1. Wash mango and wipe thoroughly and chop it.
2. Grind coconut, mango pieces, chilly, coriander and garlic into a fine paste.
3. Transfer to a bowl and add salt and mix well.


1. There is no strict rule about the quantity of ingredients used as it all depends on exactly how sour the mango is.
2. You can store the chutney in an air tight container and refrigerate it and it will stay 'good' for a week.

Love Mangoes ? Here are a few more recipes you would enjoy making and eating :) 

Aamras Puri, Mango Sambar, Mango Chutney 


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