Gag rule :(

Today I saw a bird come right at my window. Unfortunately the window was closed. I was just about to open the window to find the hurt bird but before I opened it, the bird came crashing into the window again. This time I opened the window immediately. The bird came back flew right in, looked startled and then flew out. For some reason it reminded me of the rat. I can’t recall why I did not continue posting on the same lines.

Then later in the day a bee sat on my finger but did not sting me. Wise bee.

I can’t find my wallet. I have had this wallet for over a decade now. I love it and can’t replace it.

I learnt a new concept called “One Degree of separation”[Definitely not an experiment.]. Apparently us lawyers form a close knit community where everyone knows everyone. That is why it is not good to be opinionated especially about politics and ahem a certain old man that this country supposedly loves. That lawyer people take offense very easily. So I should probably delete some of my posts. [I am actually taking this advice.]

If I were to head to North Karnataka for a project, I would not tell my parents about my plans to go there. But if after getting there my parents called me and asked me where I was, I would tell them my location. I figured it is always easier to do something and then tell your parents about it instead of telling them before you do it. That way you have much little to deal with and the parents would be spared the unnecessary stress. It is a win-win situation. But my brother thinks otherwise. He would rather tell his plans and make my parents worry who in turn eat my head as if I were responsible for my brother doing what he is doing. They end up asking me what my brother could probably be thinking doing what he is doing." Why do you think he wants to go there when he knows that the floods have hit the place? Transport has come to a halt! How do you think he will go? People are leaving that place and he is going there. Why? May be parents must be gifted crystal balls so that they can track their adult kids all over the planet.

I thought being the youngest in the family would have its perks. But no. That is not how it works. Because people with two or more kids actually think and hope that all their children are alike. When I say alike I mean carbon copies. They must all have the same qualities and flaws. This will help the parents in not having to go through the process of understanding their children again. Unfortunately for them it isn’t so. If the first child was perfect the second child could probably have all the imperfections that they dreaded.

It is 00:23 now. I am not even yawning. I dug out a Norwegian Souvenir my brother got me. Which is a poster containing quotes by everyone who has won the Nobel peace prize until 2007.

With what great insight did Voltaire, hating war enormously, declare: “War is the greatest of all crimes; and yet there is no aggressor who does not color his crime with the pretext of justice.” – Ralph Bunche



mumofason said…
lol @ harianna ;) Truly one of a kind. And oh yeah, poor you. :D :D

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