Fenny Chronicles - The Guardian

Guardian Angels are consistent, insistent, and persistent.

Fenny and I have established a very strong connection and when either of us is in a mess we look at the other for support. When Fenny has been up to no good and is discovered, she comes running straight up to my room and then she knows I’ll put things right. When my parents and I get into an argument Fenny very vocally supports me. When I tell her not to talk to someone, she doesn’t go near them or look at them :) The same applies to me, I can’t pet any other dog. She will just sniff out all the evidence and sulk for more than 2 days and then finally make up. There have been times when Fenny and I have sulked for the same reason and we sit together and sulk. There is no pulling us out of sulk mode when we display such solidarity.

She hates it when anybody touches things that belong to me. It could be my bag, phone anything. She has the right to drool on and chew my possessions but no one else can enjoy such liberty. Once when my uncle was making a call from the landline she barked at him till he walked away from the phone, she did the same every time he or anyone else used it. She thought it belonged ONLY to my brother and me:)

There was a paper called Company Law when I was in the third year which was supposed to be the toughest paper. As was the case I was really petrified of the subject. I must have read the book thrice, read stuff out to Fenny. When reading if I couldn’t grasp the concept I’d read it out to Fenny and miraculously the concept would sink in. I’d wake up in the middle of the night and start studying and fenny would sit next to me till the wee hours of the morning. The day I was done writing my company law paper which was the last paper in the third year Fenny and I slept for over 12 hours straight. Now if I show her the company law book she’ll run in the opposite direction.

Everybody has a guardian angel or I hope they do, but I have two – One is sitting next to me the other I’m sure is smiling down at me( Mukta Ajji)


mumofason said…
Well, all I can say is God couldn't be everywhere so he gave you Fenny. :)

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