Do i need to join the anger management club?

People say, college is the best time of ones life and once it's gone you'll miss it and blah blah blah yak yak yak... YA RIGHT! I've been doing my victorious warrior jig since the day I gave my 8th semester exam because that now leaves just one more year in my college. I'm not saying my college is bad, it's just that there are plenty of rotten people in it. When I say rotten, I mean dirty, stinking rotten, so rotten that even if you close your nose real tight you'll manage to smell it and the excessive rottenness kind of leaves an after effect which one cannot get rid off no matter how hard you smell something good. What happened yesterday was a standing testimonial for how rotten people in my college are. I got a 33 on my transfer of property paper, which was a shock, but then I got to know who corrected my paper and then it wasn't much of a shock. The lecturer who corrected my paper had made it public that she'd corrected our papers under the university ( Such an announcement is not as per university rules) Now this lady hates me because there are plenty of people to tell her "things" about me. Before I write further, I must make a mention of the fact that everybody who passed that particular paper has secured more than 33, and all those who have failed have got less than 33. I'm the only one in my class to get a 33 in spite of having written an excellent paper. Na, i'm not bragging, because the guy sitting next to me copied from my paper and he got 48. I also happen to be one of those students who mentions the relevant sections along with required definitions. In spite of that i've been given a 33. My options now are either to put my paper for revaluation and risk flunking (that's what university people do, they take offense easily and flunk people) or just accept it and move on. I obviously chose the latter because as of now i'm still ahead of the rest and I will not fall prey for what that woman did to my paper. I hope she's got her revenge and leaves things at that, though I have no clear idea of what it is that I actually did to her.
I woke up today feeling extremely grumpy and that has pretty much spoiled my day. So I took a bottle, wrote that lecturer's name on it and jumped on it and poked it with every sharp object I have at home, I also assaulted the bottle with the gardening tools and the bottle looks pretty bad. But even that didn't calm me down so I jumped on it a little more and then a lot more and then I was exhausted so I stopped. I guess I just have to find another means of venting my anger.
For the record i've never met people as mean as the ones in my college and I have never seen people stoop as low as people in my college and I have never been so angry at anybody as I have been at this teacher, i've never wished anyone to die a slow,painful death as I wish this particular lecturer does because I cannot do anything about what she's done to me for no fault of mine and I hate the fact that I can't do anything about it and that is making me more angry and I wish i'd done so many things differently, because then I wouldn't have been where I am and things would surely not have been this bad.


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