Burgers and Salad

My cousin was in town for a bit and she wanted to take her kids to one of our all-time favorite places – Downtown. For those not familiar with Mysore, on Kalidasa road is one teeny tiny shop that’s been there for over two decades that serves some of the best burgers I have ever eaten. Whenever I go out of town and come back home I need to have a burger from there or if I have a friend visiting, a meal at Downtown is mandatory. One of the reasons for the popularity of this little spot is that, the couple that runs it makes the burgers themselves and every day we are served fresh burgers. They go by quality hence the moment the patties are over the shop closes.

One of the unique things about their burger is coleslaw. They use coleslaw along with beans and a patty. In fact in all the variations of their burgers they serve coleslaw.

I was to go with my cousin but work got in the way. Thus, one Saturday I decided that my family would have to eat my own “version” of the Downtown burgers for brunch with a side of salad.

Want to know how it turned out? Read on for this Chop-chop chow recipe!

For the Coleslaw:

1/4th piece of a medium sized cabbage finely shredded.
1 large carrot grated.
1 Cup Mayonnaise (I used the vegan mayo I had made.)

• Mix the shredded cabbage and carrot with mayonnaise and refrigerate until serving time.

• If you are using store brought mayonnaise, add seasoning such as pepper powder and garlic powder as per your taste.

For the patty:

3 Medium sized potatoes
1 Medium sized onion
½ Cup green peas
1 Tbsp Fennel powder
1 Tsp Ginger garlic paste
1 Tsp Chilli powder
2 Tsp Oil

1. Boil the potatoes and green peas in the pressure cooker for about 4 whistles.
2. Let it cool. Mash the potatoes and set aside.
3. In a pan heat 1 tsp oil and add the onions and fry them till brown. Then add the powders and ginger garlic paste. Mix well.
4. Then add the peas and let the mixture cook with lid on for about 5 minutes.
5. Add the peas and onion mixture to the potatoes and make patties.
6. On a tava lay the patties and put a drop of oil on each patty and turn them over immediately and add a drop of oil on the other surface of the patty. Let the patty toast on medium flame till they are a golden brown.

• Note that all ingredients are already cooked and hence don’t need deep frying. As this is a “healthy” brunch recipe I have kept the oil to minimum. (You can deep fry it if you want.)
• If you are feeling adventurous, you might also want to try our Mushroom potato cutlet or Raw banana and potato cutlet.

Cold Salad:

1 Avocado
1 Pear
3/4th Tsp pepper powder
½ Lemon
1 Tbsp Honey
1/4th tsp of Roasted flax seed powder
1 Tsp Pink Salt
Sprig of mint

1. Dice all the fruits and vegetables.
2. Add the lemon juice first then add honey, pepper powder, salt and flax seed powder.
3. Mix well and garnish with mint leaves. Refrigerate till serving time.

• As seen in the picture I put the avocado cubes in the center so I could directly squeeze the lemon juice on it to prevent it from oxidizing.
• You can add any seasonal fruit you like. I tend to add pineapple, pomegranate, pears or guava. These fruits go really well with vegetables.

To assemble the burger:
• 1 Loaf of bread*
• Toast the bread slices.
• On one slice place the patty and then top it with coleslaw and cover it with another slice and viola – Burger ready!

This burger came very close in taste to the Downtown burgers and I recommend you all try it. The entire shebang - prep, cook and plating took less than 45 minutes.

*I opted for bread instead of buns for the burger as it is lighter than bun and that way you can eat two without feeling guilty.


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