A Lizard's Tail

Curiosity in kids is obvious and I was super curious as a kid. I liked catching bugs, insects and any creepy crawly creature. When I was 3 years old my interests in four legged and some eight-legged creatures was encouraged by my dad. My very first attempts at having a pet failed miserably. I had a fascination for lizards, and so I wanted one as a pet. Having decided that, I had to figure out how I would catch one. I didn’t think I had to consult anyone about trapping lizards so I decided to catch one my own way. So I ran after them, chased them, climbed the furniture trying to reach them but all failed. Then one day I saw this really fat happy looking lizard crawling on the floor and the next instant it was on my palm. Then it began its struggle, so I tried to get a grip on it and held it by the tail and the next thing I know the lizard’s tail was in my hand and the rest of it was escaping. The tail fluttered on my palm with what little life it had in it and then stopped. I didn’t tell anyone about this. ( I pretty much convinced my self of having killed it.) I thought the other remains of the lizard would be found by someone else.

A few days later I thought it was time to ask my dad the exact manner of catching a lizard. He said I could do so by trying to delicately hold it right below its neck. I tried, but I always thought that the lizard would bite me. (!!!) So I resumed my old method of catching them by the tail and well, you can imagine that ours was probably the only house which had lizards without tails for quite some time : )


i'm sure your next blog will be about your lizard "skeleton" collection!!!dont forget to add "The Day You Squished The Housefly" episode.;)BEWARE ALL CREEPY CRAWLIES............
mumofason said…
Sokneee.. Aw the poor poor little thing. :)
Of course, that episode will deserve a special mention in my blog along with the roach murder episode:D

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