The Last Fight…

The other day I was watching “How I met your mother”. In the episode that I was watching Marshall’s dad passes away and he tries recalling his father’s last words to him. I was having a bad week a friend and I had stopped being friends without either of us realizing it. Sad isn’t it? Because every time I have made a friend I have known by intuition/instinct that, that friend is for life[There are very few of those kind.]. I really believed that the Narcissist would feature in my future like my other “for life” friends. I can’t pin point a single incident that could have deteriorated us but things were going down. I don’t like the feeling of being in limbo where I don’t know where I stand with someone. I am a “let me know” person. Yesterday I pulled the plug on what was a great friendship whilst it lasted.
I am a good friend and I fight with a lot of people but friends are not people that I want to fight with, they are energizers, they make me happy, they are people I argue with, talk to and have shameless fun with. But somewhere down my friendship with each one of my friends we have had a “fight” and I laughed at most of the things I recollected.

1 - Up in smokes
Persian and I have known each other since we were 3 years old. Our friendship has been tested in several ways but we’ve managed to survive it all. When anything good happened we had to share the news first hand and some third party informing would make the bearer of the good news angry because then the thrill of sharing would be lost. One instance I can remember is when Persian had scored the highest in the math mid term exams and since she and I were in different sections another kid from her section told me about it. P was really disappointed that she didn’t get to be the one to tell. We’ve named puppies, rescued a squirrel, buried a squirrel, and had that one epic fight which lasted for about a month. P and a few girls from her section wanted to smoke and they wanted me in on their plan. Back then I was a very very very good kid. Certain things like a person opting to try smoking used to shock me. I looked down upon smoking as very disgusting thing and was surprised that my best friend was voluntarily choosing to go ahead and try smoking. We fought and broke our friendship because she wanted to smoke and I didn’t. A month passed. Back then I liked the back street boys (Yes, it was just a phase and thankfully I am over it!) and an article featuring them had come in the newspapers. [Okay I confess I was one of the newspaper scraps collector kid.] Persian came to class and handed over the cutting to another girl who I did not like much back then. Talk about being hurt! I guess my face said it and she saw it. But after a few days we patched up and became friends again and we swore we would never fight again and we haven’t fought since.
P.S: Much later in college I tried smoking myself and I wouldn’t advice anyone to try it. [Smoking is injurious to health.]

2 - So who dies?
SMS and I are not the fighting types. I don’t think either of us would ever be capable of fighting with the other. I could never be mean to her. She is one of those people who I talk to when I am royally confused or sad and I can talk to her about everything. The only time we have fought that is if you can call it a “fight” is in 2002. We were going through our I love Bruce Willis Phase. SMS saw Armageddon and came to school the next day and the first thing she told me was, “Bruce Willis dies in the movie!” I hadn’t seen the movie, I waited for it to come on TV and when it did I could not watch because it was late at night L I don’t like people revealing the end of a story. I waited and I got my chance during the Lunch break. I saw SMS take out Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I grinned my evil grin and told her, “The Triwizard cup is a portkey and Cedric Diggory dies.” We did not speak to each other for the rest of the day and the next day things were back to normal.
Would you call that a fight? I do because there is nothing else negative that we have to show for the number of years that we have been friends. People think it unnatural to have friends that don’t fight. Ah may be my friends and I are actually a wiser group.

3 - Genie in a Bottle
K.T is probably my only friend who did not start of by being my friend. We disliked each other yet even when we were disliking each other she was the one who got the first glimpse of my comic strip called, “Coco – The nut”. After 12th I met her again in college. I remember looking at her and thinking argh… she is the only one who looks approachable and damn I don’t talk to her. She did the weirdest thing though, she smiled when she saw me and I gave her a very weak smile. By the time I was done looking at the people that I would be studying with for 5 years I knew that I had to go talk to K.T. Which I did. Our first conversation went okay and then fortunately the camp happened. The Camp! From then on we have been friends the only speed breaker we hit was in June 2006. We were interning in a Firm in Bangalore and we had been seeing each others face daily and we were getting on each others nerves silently without either of us realizing. I guess we just made up our minds to annoy the other. One evening Genie in a bottle was playing on the TV and I just had to sing along to annoy K.T and we screamed at each other used the B word on each other and 5 minutes later it felt like we had done the needful and life moved on :D
K.T remember the fake fights in college? Or Aniyan’s expression when he saw us back in the library on the day I got my cherry toe?

4 - Ouch!
Lab rat and I have been friends since 2005. He has been the nicest, sweetest listener. Gosh I must have chewed his head up with a million things that bugged me during college and after too :P He has always been tagged as the nice guy because he never uses inappropriate language. [He though always claimed that isn’t a ground to be called nice.] So, once while talking to him when he did use something to that effect the impact was hard. I had never heard him use anything as inappropriate as that. What he said in my books is mild but since it was him saying it, it was hard to digest. We got past that very quick. That was the teeniest infraction that ever occurred now we have reached a zone where using expletives is permitted while conversing :)

5 - Pissimist :D
Are you wondering why you weren’t mentioned before Lab rat? Well lets see… you and I haven’t fought EVER! [Touch wood] You’ve only made me cry and how! But you’ve always been the “go to guy”. Remember the time you saw me rush out of the hostel and I told you about the girl on girl action I had to witness? Remember all the spy work you made me do? Do you remember Nagu chasing you on his Bajaj Scooter while K.T and I looked totally confused and just kept following you because you told us to? Or the time you and the Lab rat told us who was being teamed with KT and me for the SDM moot? The way KT and I followed you around sometimes just to annoy you. No man can’t remember any major mean-ness on your part.

6 - Looney from Clooney
Stamina girl / Mareli as she was known in school was one of those girls who was a delicate darling. In school I just never understood nice people. I believed no one could be that nice and I really didn’t understand why words like S#!t and D@^n drove the Stamina Girl to fits. So I used to call her the “Looney from Clooney” and I had a song for her too. I tortured her for a year by the end of which I realized that she was actually very nice but very sensitive and she realized that I was just behaving badly because I knew she would react and I liked teasing people in general and that I did not really mean to hurt her. Once we decided that we could meet each other half way – She by trying to take jokes in her stride and me by trying to be more sensitive towards her we became friends and have remained so :)

7 - Calvin and Hobbes
Calvin is one of the first few people I befriended in college. This guy used to tremble when talking to girls. He and I have probably discussed everything there is to discuss under the sun. We’ve played hide and seek in college, K.T and I have chased him with a cockroach, made him uncomfortable by telling him about my love for insects. No fights to date with him. We can talk a LOT about anything.

8 - Poppy :)
Ah… what can I say about the guy who adopted me as his child in college? Every time I borrowed a text book from him I’ve aced the subject. Shamelessly cried to him about my abysmal score in Constitutional law in the 5th semester. He gave me chocolates on Children’s Day. When Fatso, Poppy and I were standing and I could not control my impulse to punch Fatso’s paunch real hard, Fatso retaliated by punching Poppy and Poppy did not complain. Poppy and I took pride in the fact that we never ever got angry at each other until… one fine day. I was in final year and everybody that I liked were seniors who had graduated. Poppy was in town and he’d promised to visit me in college. My only bright spot after several bleak days and at the last moment Poppy decided not to make a trip to the college. Talk about being cheated out of a nice day! I pouted, sulked and then we made up :D

9 - Final Chapter
The Narcissist and I were excellent friends. There were a lot of things that I got to know about him that surprised me. At one point I actually wondered why we hadn’t become friends sooner. I’ll never forget the last minute help with binding my assignments and memorials and for being so supportive in final year, the first person whom I told out loud that Fenny was dying, ha or the help with M&A talk or for just patiently listening when I ranted about the Corp boss and for being such help during the fracture. I never saw us as being temporary fixtures in each others lives. I guess like all the friendships I’ve mentioned above I thought we would be friends for life.
If it isn’t meant to be so then…


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