My Ma the Bestest!

Mothers are comforting. They are these incredible creatures that know when to be a parent and when to be a friend. They never get confused with roles that they play in the lives of their loved ones. They are there no matter what, ready to claw anyone who threatens to hurt their cubs. My mother too is one such rock that we all lean on. Sometimes stern sometimes gentle and sometimes just plain insane!
When I realized she was a Super Hero.
When I was in the 9th grade my paternal grandmother passed away. Since she was living with us we had to perform the last rites and then perform more rituals in Mangalore. In all I missed a fortnight worth of school. When I returned the tests were on. I managed to do well in all except Math. I flunked out because my teacher had taught the class surds during the two weeks that I was absent and the same was asked during the tests. I told my parents about it. The next day my mom came to the school. Went directly to my math teacher and asked him to give me a re-test. She told him it was unfair to test me on a topic that I hadn’t been taught. [My math teacher didn’t particularly like me.] He told my mother that he couldn’t take extra classes for me nor could he teach the other kids the same thing over again just for my benefit. My mother told him that was not necessary that she would take care of it as long as he gave me a test in a weeks time. That old donkey of a man grinned at my mother and said of course, “I’ll give her one week’s time to take the test.”
I came home and my mom told me that I would be taking the test next week. I did take the test and aced it. My math teacher just kept scratching his bald head looking at my paper trying to figure out how I studied everything so fast. He called me and asked, “Which math teacher did you go to?” I said, “Huh? No one.”
“Then who taught you?” he asked.
“ My mom, she’s a math major and she teaches far better than you.” I said. Of course I suffered a lot in the classroom after that but it felt so good! J
The Fraand
Most of my friends used to complain about how they had to sneak behind their parents backs to do things. I on the other hand never had to do that. I’ve never felt the need to hide things from my parents. I have been foolish. They know. I still continue doing foolish things and I know that too. That is why I find it comforting knowing that there is one person in my life who knows everything there is to know about me and that I need not be scared of hiding or holding back anything. There are some instances when I have hidden things from my mother but then I’ve never been able to hold it in me and I’ve always told her what I’ve done. Sometimes I’ve spared her details but I’m sure she would have formed a decently accurate picture of the reality.
See that is why we have mothers. We could be stupid/foolish/retarded even but these creatures they’ll still love us no matter what we do. To know that and to have that feeling of security that everything around me could just fall apart but I know that there is one person I can count on and that is enough for my survival.
Taking for granted.
Though I know that my mother is an excellent individual I’d be fibbing if I said I’ve never taken her for granted. I have. That is because her presence is so potent and the shield is there to protect me, I’ve gotten used to it. I sometimes use my shield as a punching bag. I take my days anger on her and she just hears me out waiting for the storm to subside. Sometimes silently withdrawing and rarely retaliating. We forget to notice that this person more than anyone needs our love than anyone else on the planet. That she’s there for us no matter what. I’ve not squabbled with my mom for sometime now. I guess I feel that now she could do with a little shielding, protecting and a lot of love.
Amma I know I don’t say this often but I Love you shoooo much. Muah Muah Muah. I will always be your D.P J
P.S: Yo mother India… are you all misty eyed after reading this post? :P J :D


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