The one thing that has changed since Lulu got me my first 6-month subscription to Glamego, is that I haven’t purchased a single product since. In my pervious post I only spoke about the toner. This post deals with the following:

Step 1: Cleanse. I ran out of cleanser, so I started using Blossom Kochhar’s – White Tea and Chamomile face wash which we received in our October box. This is as good as the one I often use i.e Biotique’s Pineapple Cleanser. Washing your face is just as important as washing your hands before your meals or washing your feet when you get home. Here’s a tip for people with acne prone skin – we need to concentrate on washing around our hairline, eyebrows and nostrils because this is where “most” pollutants and bacteria make their home. Doing this definitely makes ones face “cleaner”. ( I love πŸ’“K-pop and these pop-stars are obsessed with how they look with or without make up. The male artists especially are very vocal about this aspect and always tend to talk about their extensive skin care routine which is what encouraged me to take “better” care of my skin. This specific tip was mentioned by Daesung from Big Bang – Where are all the V.I.P’s at?)

Product name: Blossom Kochhar’s – White Tea and Chamomile face wash
Price: INR80 for 50ml
Recommend: I’d recommend it for people with normal to oily skin.
Rating: 4/5

Step 3: Moisturise. ALWAYS moisturise. No, you can’t skip moisturising during summer because you have normal to oily skin and hence you are naturally “set”. No! You have to use a non-greasy moisturiser because moisturiser hydrates your skin whereas skipping this believing that it makes your skin oily will only further damage your skin.

Try this for a week:
A. Moisturise your face every day.
B. Do not moisturise your face at all.

You’ll see your face is less oily/shiny when you moisturise as compared to the glaring shine accompanied by a layer of sweat and oil on your nose when you skip moisturising.I have been using the Olay Moisturiser for the longest time now and its been handy for ALL seasons. Since we got The Nature’s Co. Vanilla Face Cream I have been using that for winter as even if one has an oily face, it tends to get dry when the weather is cold.

Product name: The Nature’s Co. Vanilla Face cream
Price: INR550 for 25ml
Recommend: I’d recommend it for people with extremely dry skin for all seasons and for those with oily skin to use this ONLY during winters.
Rating: 4/5
Product name: Olay Moisturising cream
Price: INR225 for 50ml
Recommend: I’d recommend it for people with normal to oily skin for daily use.
Rating: 4.8/5

Step 4: Here’s something a lot of people do - They tend to skip moisturising and directly apply sunscreen.

Sunscreen as its name suggests is a “shield”. Its formula is made so as to “stay” on your skin and not penetrate it. Sunscreen and foundation have similar components ergo it’s mandatory to come home and take the sunscreen off your face as you do with your make up.

[Lulu mentioned that her skin breaks out when she moisturises her face before applying sunscreen. For those with similar issues try a really light and by light I mean a very non greasy moisturiser.]

I have also heard of people using sunscreen only during summers and no other seasons. Hello! The Sun is up in the sky EVERYDAY doing its job. So sunscreen is mandatory during every season, every occasion and every time the sun is up in the sky. Sunscreen is especially necessary during the monsoons, when you have the UV rays reflecting off the water droplets increasing its intensity even more.

While we are on the topic of sunscreen, have you ever wondered the difference between SPF 15, 30 ,50? Apparently SPF determines the duration it takes for skin to burn in the absence of sunscreen and is merely a number that helps you choose appropriate sunscreen for your needs. Take 10 minutes as base line for the time you take to get a skin burn. Now multiply SPF(15) x time, that is 15x 10 =150. This means you are safe from burns for the next 150 minutes. Then there are people like Lulu and I who have to run around in the scorching hot sun without a hat. Even if we did use a sunscreen with higher SPF we would have to take the following into consideration – sweat, the amount we wipe our face when we sweat and how long we stand in direct sunlight. Contrary to what sunscreens claim they aren’t water resistant and are definitely not resistant to wipes and handkerchiefs! Hence, it is mandatory to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours depending on how quick your skin burns and how much you sweat. Also SPF 50 is as far as it goes . Anything beyond SPF 50 is not only ridiculous but is also certified to have Banned Chemicals on your face.

Price: INR355 for 100g
Recommend: I’d recommend it for all skin types especially if you find yourself out in the sun between 11am to 2pm. (Lawyers Life!)
Rating: 4.5/5

Was this helpful? Let us know in your comments.

P.S: Sunscreen is mandatory in direct sunlight. Just like medicines, skin care products also develop resistance. Use products based on how much time you are spending in the sun. No, sunscreen won’t make you fair.


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