It’s not working well between us…

With that I bid bubye to my facebook account. I have been on facebook since 2006-07. I think it is the 7 year itch that finally sealed the break-up. I thought I’d miss NOT being on facebook but I don’t miss it one bit. Instead I am going about my life as always but more peacefully. My phone doesn’t buzz with anymore candy crush requests or any other game requests. My phone isn’t constantly buzzing with notifications and messages on the messenger. I feel free. The kind of free one feels after being in a bad relationship.

Of-late facebook started to seem like a giant universal album of peoples personal pictures. People sharing their most personal photos (Nah not nudes, but there were a couple of guys [Yeah! JUST a couple] flaunting their chest complaining about the summer heat.) If I attended your wedding, I don’t want to see the pics, if I didn’t attend your wedding it is because I don’t want to see your face, what makes you think I’ll trouble myself to like your pictures?

I don’t care if you finally succeeded in potty training your baby. I don’t care if your husband did a fantastic job of cleaning baby poop. I don’t care about your halwa or chole. I just want to be left alone without being spammed every second by someone uploading a mushy photo with their better (or not so better) Halves. It is so annoying! Some people were annoying when they were single. Being married they have doubled their annoying quotient.

People are exchanging tips on how to cook, bring up their babies, handle husbands *Shakes head at the mere recollection of awful things said by some girls about their husbands.*

I also don’t care where you got drunk last night. I don’t care who you did after getting drunk and I certainly don’t care enough to know the result of your deeds after a couple of months. Check–ins are positively horrid add-ons  that FB could have introduced. It pretty much screams, “HEY STALKER! WHY DIDN’T YOU FOLLOW ME THERE? DIDN’T YOU SEE MY FACEBOOK UPDATE?”  Which is later followed by, “OH GOSH! PEOPLE ARE SUCH STALKERS ALWAYS FOLLOWING ME WHEREEVER I GO. NOBODY  IS SAFE IN THEIR OWN TOWN!” If I didn’t love my laptop I would have smashed the screen. Not being on FB also means there won’t be any more arguments about, “I’m tagging you in my check-in. I want to make people jealous.” * [Yes, readers I am loved. Sometimes I think I am loved too much. Scary shite.]

What is with the selfies? What is with selfies in the loo? [I confess to have taken a group selfie in the loo and that was just one instance because the place had a red glow and we looked positively angelic in-spite of the red around us. O: ) ]

I think the generation that came after me is degenerating into self obsessed slobs who live a lifetime in their rooms making every aspect of their “tiny room world” known to us. You are NOT POLANSKI![And raping a 13 year old in your room does not mean you are him it just makes you as bad as him.] STOP TRYING TO TELL ME THE ENTIRE STORY OF YOUR LIFE FROM YOUR EXPERIENCES IN YOUR ROOM!

I feel better.

I also think my older posts were much nicer.

I don’t know what happened to me after I graduated.

*Sigh* Keep watching this space. I promise I’ll make my blog interesting again.

P.S: If you haven’t listened to Mini World  by Indila yet, please do. RIGHT NOW!


Chaitra said…
I feel you girl.. And totally agree with you.. The memories of Facebook posts that you brought back made me wanna refer to your earlier post on barfing...

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