Happiness is... S.I.L.E.N.C.E

I go to the office early in the evenings because I get to have the books and the computer to myself and I can listen to my music while I work. I like listening to music while I work, and I like doing my work without being interrupted. The time I keep for myself in the evening is something I look forward to because; I get almost all my work done. This little time that I get - I call it “UTOPIA”. I mean 30 minutes to work on an entire set of files for the next day without interruptions is a boon.

Today I am writing a blog post instead. I have just one file for tomorrow. Here I was thinking, what should I write in my blog? It’s been so long since I wrote anything. I basically wanted write something that would move the reader to dig deep in their hearts and pull every scrap of emotion and say – YEAH! I HAVE FELT THAT WAY! SO TRUE!

While I was sifting for ideas in my brain, a client comes to the office and asks me, “What time will your senior be coming?” I tell him, “He should be here by 7.” The guy then goes on to ask me about where I studied law, list of law colleges in Mysore, List of law colleges in the State. I rattle on the names of the colleges I know and then introduce him to this lovely thing called “GOOGLE”. The man goes on to tell me that he knows what google is and that he was just making conversation. It bothered me that the guy even if he couldn't gather from my tone, should have at least taken a hint when I was violently tapping the keys on the keyboard which F.Y.I I am still doing because the man won’t keep quiet. I just told him I am busy with some typing and I’d prefer continuing without having to constantly pause with what I am doing in order to answer his questions. Man finally gets point and is sitting quietly.

I just read what I have typed so far and while I was reading I wasn't typing. Man was busy clearing his throat and fake coughing. Why is it that people need to make as much noise as they do? Is it mandatory to talk just because there is someone sitting opposite you? If that someone was working would you go and interrupt them continuously and not let them work in peace? Why is it that people take up law books, randomly look at an act and a particular section and ask you if you know about it? After I am done answering their question I like asking them a question too. It can range from what is the crop commonly grown in Uttar Pradesh? Who is the Chief Minister of Maharashtra? Or who is the chief justice of India? I usually never get an answer to my questions. But I always enjoy the results which is silence from the annoying party.

I think I have mastered the art of putting up a wall when I don’t want to be bothered. Achievement unlocked.

Peace reigns in the office now. UTOPIA shall be visited tomorrow if luck approves.

Face-palm! Just when I typed peace man starts playing with his phone checking his ring tones. ARGHHHHHH…. Oh man got call. Man is talking very loudly.

UTOPIA you elusive dream.


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