Happiness is…… Being inspired :)

I wanted to dedicate a post to Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar. Sachin Tendulkar, the one individual who brought an entire country together for his last match. What a beautiful farewell he got and how much more inspiring his speech was. How marvelous a journey the man had led from his first interview giving monosyllable answers to an entire speech on the last day of his game. Talk about being moved.

Amidst all this frenzy over Sachin retiring there was one section of the Country that believed that the fanfare was too much and that he didn’t deserve it and that everything was just a bit too much. They argued that the country had more pressing matters to take care of. That he was just another sportsman… yada yada…

AND all I could think was…. WHAT A LEGEND! I mean to be the best at what you love to do - not just in your family, or your district, or your State, or your Country, or your Continent but to be the best in whole entire world… THAT that that is just mind blowing!!!!!

For a while there no one was talking about Gang rapes, no one was talking about scams, nobody gave a damn about what the ministers were up to. The nation was chanting just one name – SACHIN.

Why am I writing this today? Well, Nelson Mandela passed on and the first thing that I thought of when I heard that on the news was the movie – Invictus.  A true story.  A story about a nation that came together and all because of Rugby and a man who was ready to forgive.

We all find inspirations in the things and people we surround ourselves with. I find inspiration in the books I read, the music I listen to, the movies I watch, the sports I watch and the people that surround me. Anything that tells a story is inspiration.

History we say, repeats itself. May be if we took a leaf from Mandela’s book and start with forgiving, we could probably head somewhere new.

Two Bharat Ratna Awardees who have in their own way inspired millions and me. The only way I can honor both is by dedicating this post to them.

“I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.” – Invictus, William Ernest Henley

Peace :)


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