“I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day.” ― Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt

Happily ever after? Happy today… you can never be sure if you will be just as happy tomorrow. Ha so the cynic is back. Thus the blog. It is strange isn’t it? That as kids we read books and fairy tales which are supposed to teach us morals and these stories always have a happy ending? I believe I was born a cynic because when I was growing up my favourite story was that of the “Little Match Girl”. She lights a match in the cold and sees visions of the Christmas that could have been… only to die of the cold on Christmas morning.  This story used to make me incredibly sad. I used to wonder why somebody didn’t buy the matches from her. She could have bought some food with the money. The fact remained that she was left all alone in the cold. I actually worried about the little match girl often. As I grew up I realized that this story is the only story that ever told you how humans are without exaggerating the evil or the good. People in their own busy schedules don’t look around to see someone who could do with some help or holiday cheer. We are so self centred that we fail to stop and look around us and change what we see if we disagree with it. The self indulgence makes us say let me deal with it tomorrow or that we’ll think about it tomorrow. Human nature is not complicated it is merely an excuse to say it is complicated. That is just how we all are. Or at least most of us.


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