Shor in the City

One would expect this movie to be an over the top bollywood flick with nothing in it for the audience except a lot of shor (noise). The trailers weren’t giving many clues as to how the movie would be or exactly what it was about. The sound track on the other hand was hilariously brilliant. Not the music but the lyrics. The first time I heard Karma is a bi#@h I laughed. The lyrics are the kind of things I think when I really want to kick some butt.

I decided to watch the movie nonetheless and it surprised me because it wasn’t as noisy as I expected it. It is a very simple story where every character is interlinked with the other but they all tell their own story and each character surprises you. Clearly there are no shocks. One expects and in my case agrees with some of the steps taken by the characters in the movie. It is about desperation that sometimes leads people to crimes. Sometimes people take the law into their own hands – when the thin line that separates right and wrong becomes a blur. But is that reason enough to justify the crime committed?

Life grants not just second chances but many chances ( So to speak). These chances are not created and placed before us; they are merely choices we make to be good or to be bad. That is what this movie is about experiences that change some and well others don’t realize that they need to change.

The movie spans the 11 days of Ganesh Chathurthi celebrations (Shor) which serves as a background for the stories. It has everything – redemption, divine intervention, realization, acceptance and a sense of satisfaction about the choices made.

But yeah like the lyrics say

“zara sa philsa tho,

thujhe kabse main lega,

Yahan jo karega
Woh tu yahin pe bharega

Because karma is a bitch….”


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