Live my life for me will you?... Could we start at the last page i'd first like to know how it ends.

When my peers have taken a turn to being philosophical, spiritual and religious the loser and I are busy developing more theories on how one can enjoy life. We like denial, procrastination, confrontation sans sensitivity. We are materialistic, shameless, can’t hold on to relationships and most importantly we are often told to grow up.
We pout, wink and resume with our happy lacking in direction kind of life. We can’t be bothered about Osama dying or Anna Hazare fasting. Osama’s existence never bothered us, so why should his death? Anna Hazare has good intentions and has his heart in the right place but somebody needs to tell him that no Bill and no amount of restraining intake of food and water can kill corruption. Nah. It is very simple – I’ll not bribe and I will not take a bribe. That should be our aim. Simple right? If every Indian thought like the Loser and I we would all be so happy enjoying ourselves instead of looking for meaning in life by not living it at all.
The one other thing we like doing is praise our selves and boost our ego apparently that is the first sign that one is mental. So be it. 
So what really is the point of this post? 
Recently I had my very first encounter with an Astrologer and boy did that go well! He charted out what he thinks is my life and how I should live it and what I should do to rectify certain things and it can all be done by pleasing the gods. The gist is that the forces are against me. I have snake troubles which is why I ended up with broken bones. My chances of bearing children are in jeopardy but if I offer prayers to a certain god that problem can be rectified. I honestly wish prayers could cure all our faults. If I had to pray away one fault of mine it would be my temper. It is my Albatross. If stars could determine the course of our lives or even act as hints to do or not do something what would be the point in learning things such as right and wrong, good and bad, moral and immoral. Might just ask Mr. Know All and make our move. Why bother with learning to stand on your own feet and let your intelligence help you make up your mind about something? Why make a pro and con list? Just consult the astrologer he’ll make the choice for you. Basically you can live a second-hand life. Instead of facing your life head on, cower behind another person. Be a puppet and let someone else pull your strings. If my life is a mess it is because I made it so. If my life is fantastic it is because I made it so. I like to take the blame for what I do and also the credit for what I do.
If a lawyer is not what I was meant to be - fine. If 5 years of law were a waste - fine. Those 5 years that I spent studying law are probably the only years in my academic life that I thoroughly enjoyed because learning and understanding the subjects came easily to me. I enjoyed every bit of mooting, debating and everything lawyery that I did in college. Now in my professional life I am enjoying being a litigating lawyer and I am having fun. Do I still think me being a lawyer is a mistake? How many of us today can honestly say that they enjoy and have fun while working? I can. When I can, how can I call it a mistake or far worse a waste?
Clearly people who enjoy their lives are looked at as mental cases. You are normal as long as you are whining and wishing your life was different instead of actually living the way you want. O_o
What is wrong in not believing in god? (I don’t ask people not to believe so I don’t want people asking me to believe.) Just the way that I have been a vegetarian all my life, but do not ask my friends to become vegetarians. These are my choices and I am comfortable with them and that is the way I like to do things. 
I am just trying to make a very simple point here. Whether we want to change ourselves, bond better with our families, make new relationships and change the world we just need to take what we have and use it to achieve this. We have lot with us, all we need to do is understand that about ourselves and life just starts getting better. It isn’t stars that determine the course of your life, if prayers were medicine we could pray away all our illnesses, if black mailing the government is your way of keeping corruption at bay then you are starting something good on the wrong foot and pretty soon you’ll be falling and falling hard. 
P.S: It is alright to believe in god if it helps you believe in yourself. But always have a little faith in yourself. It is actually healthy :)



The Explorer said…
most people don't realise how huge a blessing it is to actually enjoy your work.
And would they believe in gold turd shitting mammoths? Why should i believe in god?

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